
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Where are the wedding/social announcements?

I have a question for Speakout, for the Standard Democrat itself. In days of old, we used to read the society pages, and it contained descriptions of weddings, parties that people had in their homes, etc., baby showers, wedding showers. Why aren’t we seeing any of that anymore? Is that something that aged out? I’m interested to know why we don’t read those anymore. Otherwise, I enjoy your paper. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

Excellent question. The short answer is, yes, we do still run wedding/engagement/anniversary announcements. However, we do not receive as many submissions as we did in years past. Social media is a likely reason for that as many have opted to share those milestones via those platforms. However, we always welcome “lifestyles” submissions as those announcements will be on record forever via the newspaper’s archives."