CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. — The following students have been named to the spring 2024 Dean’s List at Southeast Missouri State University.
Students named to the list earned at least a 3.75 grade point average on a 4.0 scale, completed at least 12 hours of standard graded credit, achieved no grade below a B and received no failing grades in enrolled, credit/no credit or pass/fail courses.
Making the list from Scott, New Madrid, Mississippi and Stoddard Counties include:
Destiny Ahrens of Dexter
Jennifer Alberson of Puxico
Kirah Anthony of Sikeston
Olivia Armstrong of Scott City
Grant Ayers of Dexter
Morgan Baker of Bernie
Drew Barber of Sikeston
Cole Barnfield of Puxico
Savannah Barnhouse of Sikeston
Leia Beavers of Lilbourn
Tanner Bennett of Charleston
Grant Beussink of Kelso
Adam Birk of Charleston
Kristan Blankenship of Scott City
Addison Blankenship of Scott City
Chloe Bles of Sikeston
Tabitha Blunt of Benton
Nicholas Bollinger of Scott City
Rylan Bollinger of Scott City
Aryana Booker of Benton
Grant Breece of Gideon
Elyssa Bright of Sikeston
Abbey Broom of Sikeston
Christina Brown of Dexter
Felicity Brumley of Advance
Mason Bryars of East Prairie
Allie Burnett of Chaffee
Jenny Burrow of Advance
Kaitlin Campbell of Kelso
Montana Chitwood of Sikeston
Colby Christian of Dexter
Nicholas Christian of Benton
Christina Clark of Sikeston
Audrie Clark of Dudley
Samantha Coffee of Sikeston
Layne Collier of Benton
Delaney Cooksey of Matthews
Carolyne Cork of Benton
Aidan Cowart of Bloomfield
Charlie Cox of Sikeston
Arielle Coyner of Dexter
Savannah Crowley of Benton
Ashlyn Cunningham of Dexter
Allie Daniel of Benton
Catie Davis of Chaffee
Kate Davis of Sikeston
Kaydi Debrock of Chaffee
Larry Delay of Advance
Tyler Delrosa of Scott City
Jordan Diebold of Oran
Krista Dirnberger of Benton
Nick Dirnberger of Benton
Kadi Dohogne of Scott City
Emma Drury of Sikeston
Allison Dumey of Chaffee
Zee Dunlap of Charleston
Rachel Dunlap of Charleston
Emma Jane Earnheart of Bernie
Allie Eaves of East Prairie
Jenna Essner of Scott City
Daiquan Evans of Sikeston
Andrew Faire of Sikeston
Ni’Kieliana Farries of Charleston
Matt Finch of Dexter
Caroline Fodge of Sikeston
Taylor Folsom of Sikeston
Haley Ford of Wardell
Ashtin Fowler of Advance
Elijah Freeman of Dexter
Alyssa Frizzell of Dexter
Morgan Gadberry of Bertrand
Sophia Gebhardt of Oran
Emory Glenn of Charleston
Jenny Glueck of Chaffee
Seth Goins of Bloomfield
Griffin Goins of Dexter
Fisher Goins of Dexter
Ja’Mian Golden of Howardville
Kamryn Graviett of Chaffee
Shanna Green of Dexter
Kaleigh Green of East Prairie
Aubrey Greenwell of Portageville
Carly Gremard of Canalou
Destiny Griffin of Puxico
Jada Griggs of Benton
Evan Grobe of Dexter
Kristin Grogan of Sikeston
Candice Guenther of Parma
Walker Hall of Sikeston
Gerica Harris of Dexter
Mallory Hawkins of Bloomfield
Dalton Hayes of Risco
Grace Helm of Puxico
Ian Hemingway of Chaffee
Devin Heuring of Chaffee
Lukas Hilsgen of Scott City
Jake Holt of East Prairie
Griffin Horman of Chaffee
Drew Howell of New Madrid
Ashlynn Hudgens-Sills of Dudley
Bryson Huggins of Dexter
Kate Hughes of Oran
Rachael Hunter of Cape Girardeau
Saylor Hutchason of East Prairie
Bailee Hux of Essex
Dax Jackson of East Prairie
Myah Jacobo of Sikeston
Jordan James of Sikeston
Kristen Jansen of Kelso
Lexi Jansen of Kelso
Hannah Jarrell of Bloomfield
Adrianna Jefferson of Charleston
Mckenna Jenkins of Sikeston
Vantashia Jennings of New Madrid
Kelsie Job of Scott City
Tamyia Johnson of Sikeston
Mason Johnston of East Prairie
Hannah Jones of Puxico
Samuel Jones of Puxico
Chayse Kavan of East Prairie
Shannon Kelley of Oran
Alexia Kemp of Essex
Josh Kight of Chaffee
Ethan Kincy of Dexter
Aleya King of Sikeston
Elizabeth King of Puxico
Drew Klipfel of Benton
Bryson Klunk of Sikeston
Jaci Koch of Scott City
Keaton Lacey of Scott City
Joseph Lane of Bloomfield
Lexie Laramore of Dexter
Will Ledure of Scott City
Alliye Lee of Dexter
Lonnie Lejeune of Sikeston
Faith Linne of Chaffee
Terry Long of Lilbourn
Tyesha Love of Clarkton
Shawnee Lynch of Sikeston
Allison Majors of Benton
Misty Mason of Scott City
Lilly Matheney of East Prairie
Shelby Mayabb of Essex
Hailee Mayfield of Dexter
Sydney Mayo of Bloomfield
Makayla Maze of Dexter
Magi Mcbride of Dexter
Kayla Mccain of Scott City
Joel Mcclain of Blodgett
Matt Mccollom of Bloomfield
Hannah Mcdermott of Sikeston
Sawyer Mcelveen of New Madrid
Austin Mcgill of Sikeston
Kaylee Meadows of Bernie
Mikayla Mikels of Advance
Zoe Miller of Scott City
Tucker Miller of Sikeston
Mckenzie Miller of Essex
Janine Milton of Anniston
Bridgett Morris of Scott City
Kolby Musgrave of Dexter
Abbie Nally of Charleston
Lacey Nihiser of Chaffee
Andrew Nix of Chaffee
Emery Palmer of New Madrid
Abbigale Partenberry of Essex
Jordan Pavelka of Sikeston
Josiah Payne of Dexter
Kaidyn Pearson of Sikeston
Julianna Pearson of East Prairie
Luke Peterson of Oran
Karsynn Phillips of Dexter
Heather Phillips of Scott City
Jolie Pickett of Advance
Hayleigh Poe of Bloomfield
Austin Pratt of Dexter
Gavin Price of Benton
Lily Beth Priggel of Portageville
Emma Priggel of Oran
Kyla Propst of Dexter
Brooke Reed of Puxico
Sidney Reynolds of Perkins
Katelyn Riley of Dexter
Skyler Robert of Scott City
Caleb Robison of Puxico
Zoe Robison of Sikeston
Paige Russom of Chaffee
Hailey Schrum of Chaffee
Ben Schrumpf of Sikeston
Tony Seabaugh of Scott City
Elleigh Seyer of Chaffee
Cooper Shackles of Sikeston
Kaylee Shelby of Sikeston
Mitchell Shepherd of Scott City
Jacob Shoemaker of Oran
Taryn Shoemaker of East Prairie
Tyrion Sinks of Charleston
Savannah Smith of Sikeston
Leilani Smith of Sikeston
Kaylee Smith of Gideon
Alyssa Spane of Oran
Phillip Spies of Chaffee
Reyana Sterling of Sikeston
Ainsley Streeter of Oran
Emmy Sutton of East Prairie
Lyndi Sutton of East Prairie
Reagan Swain of Sikeston
Lydia Tankersley of Perkins
Kirsten Teffertiller of Dexter
Audrey Testa of Sikeston
Danielle Thomas of Chaffee
Aidan Thompson of Scott City
Emma Thompson of Sikeston
Addyson Thorne of Scott City
Luke Thurston of Dexter
Eric Tolbert of Chaffee
Logan Tollison of Bertrand
Bryant Vaughn of Bloomfield
Lauren Wagoner of Chaffee
Trinitie Walker of Cape Girardeau
Tyler Ward of Sikeston
Grace Ward of Sikeston
Connor Watkins of Portageville
Macy Webb of Dexter
Stacy Wells of Oran
Kenna Wheatley of East Prairie
Samyiah Wheeler of Bertrand
Maddi White of Portageville
Hannah Whitten of Sikeston
Katie Wicker of East Prairie
Sarah Williams of Bernie
Tara Williams of Dexter
Teyarah Williams of Charleston
Hope Woodfin of Oran
Britney Wright of Benton
Trystyn Ziegler of Sikeston
Sydney Lewis of Scott City