__Fall cleanup__
Can you tell me when we are gonna have another cleanup date (in Sikeston) to get rid of our old furniture, couches and chairs? Thank you!
The Sikeston Fall Clean Up Campaign will be held from Saturday, Nov. 2 to Saturday, Nov. 9. During those days the Yard Waste Disposal Site (Compost Site) will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
__Who has switched?__
I’m reading the Wednesday, Sept. 4 paper and in Speakout there’s an article that says New plan talking about Trump that he changes every side he wants. First of all, your comment made no sense whatsoever. And, secondly, you really ought to investigate Kamala Harris to find out who’s doing the switching. She was against everything she now says she is for. So, you’ll be voting for someone who as soon as she becomes President, she’ll lock you down again.
__Items needed__
We need a place where people can donate these things: wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds, bedside commodes, lifts and crutches. My sister lost her leg and my niece was in a car wreck real bad and broke her leg. I’ve had to get out and go to garage sales and retail shops trying to find these things for them. Sometimes you only need them for a little while and sometimes you need them for a long time. They’re stuck in people’s sheds and they don’t know what to do with them. They don’t want to throw them away. They want to donate them. I think it would be a really good idea if a church or charity place would open a charity place to have these supplies for people who don’t have insurance and don’t know how to get these things.