I had an opportunity this week to host a Cape Girardeau official to discuss housing issues. Like a lot of communities such as Sikeston, Cape Girardeau is experiencing the beginning of an erosion of neighborhoods, increased crime and violence and declining neighborhood pride.
These are my words, not theirs.
My take on housing - and it's just my opinion - is this:
Solving housing issues begins not at the city government level but rather with residents who deserve safe, healthy and clean neighborhoods.
Once the public demands - not requests - change, then change will begin.
Until then, every day is a lost opportunity.
Many communities - more than you would imagine - face the same housing issues.
With the Bootheel's unfortunate high level of poverty, we find ourselves at the head of the battle.
To address housing issues, you begin with city ordinances to cite violations.
Without housing codes, anything goes.
So obviously, through our city council we make rules to address the dos and don'ts of property.
That gets the process started.
But then the real work begins.
You must have:
*Unending, fearless, strict enforcement of codes.
*Sufficient consequences for code violations.
*A citywide effort among all residents, clubs, churches and city government to provide assistance if possible to help residents regain their neighborhoods.
*Public recognition of those who provide positive efforts to remove eyesores large and small.
*Money is a key factor in addressing housing but it takes citizen effort as well.
*Accountability on both the landlords and tenants as well as owner-occupied homes.
I have consistently argued that other than bringing jobs to our community and the assurance of our public safety, housing concerns should be the city's top priority.
With substandard housing, the jobs prospects and the public safety assurance are made more difficult.
All communities are searching for answers to the aging housing issue.
For a variety of reasons, we are one the first cities to recognize the problem and start to devise solutions.
Only time will tell the eventual outcome.