September 26, 2015

WASHINGTON -- Christian leaders have come together under the banner of American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) in order to unite their voices in support of Israel, thereby having far greater impact than any one organization. Their first initiative addresses the Iran Agreement, an issue affecting both Israel and the United States...

WASHINGTON -- Christian leaders have come together under the banner of American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI) in order to unite their voices in support of Israel, thereby having far greater impact than any one organization. Their first initiative addresses the Iran Agreement, an issue affecting both Israel and the United States.

Last Friday, this network sent a petition to the White House, copied to Congressional leaders, against any agreement that does not dismantle Iran's nuclear program. Some 650 Pastors and Christian leaders representing tens of millions of grassroots Americans have signed onto that letter found at The list of signers is found here.

"Through this joint initiative, we want to demonstrate that this is not a partisan issue, nor a Jewish issue, nor only an Israel issue, but it is an American issue, and millions of grassroots Americans are opposed to this disastrous deal," stated Susan Michael, U.S. Director for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ). ACLI is a project of the U.S. Branch of ICEJ.

"This network of Christian leaders in support of Israel is unprecedented," added Michael, "and reflects the gravity of the situation. We are asking all members of Congress to set aside partisan issues and vote against the agreement."

In addition to signing the petition, many of these leaders have made statements and efforts of their own in opposition to the proposed agreement. Together they have issued millions of emails, spoken to vast audiences on-air, generated tens of thousands of emails and phone calls to members of Congress, and have informed their constituencies on the contents and problems of the agreement.

"CUFI Action Fund sent more than 1.1 million emails to grassroots activists in addition to launching a six-figure media campaign." -- Gary Bauer, Washington Director, CUFI Action Fund

"This deal is not only bad; it is very dangerous. It falls woefully short of what both Democrats and Republicans in Congress have said is acceptable. We lead an evangelical Hispanic community which represents more than 40,000 Hispanic churches across America. We are asking Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to oppose this deal." -- Mario Bramnick, President, the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition, subsidiary of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

"Christian Coalition sent emails to some 3 million people and organized lobbying appointments for their state directors as well as on Capitol Hill." -- Roberta Combs, President and CEO, Christian Coalition of America

"Like it or not, the weak leaders of the West concluded a weak deal with Iran...Obama's legacy may prove to be more explosive than he ever imagined." -- Earl Cox, Broadcaster and Journalist, Israel Always

"AGLOW's call at this urgent moment in history is an Esther call. Just as God empowered Moses and Esther to speak to their ancient leaders, I'm now calling on the men and women of Aglow to follow our biblical role models and talk to our modern leaders." -- Jane Hansen Hoyt, President and CEO, Aglow International

"First and foremost, this deal should be rejected on the fundamental grounds that Iran continues to unjustly and brutally detain American citizens, including Pastor Saeed Abedini,... Moreover, this agreement puts Israel, America's steadfast Middle East ally, at great risk and ... demands the rejection of this proposed nuclear agreement with Iran." -- Jerry A. Johnson, President & CEO, the National Religious Broadcasters

"Traditional Values Coalition has been aggressive in its opposition to the Iran Deal, mobilizing millions of Christians represented by our network of 43,000 churches, ministries and grassroots activists, lobbying members of Congress sitting on the fence that a wide bi-partisan opposition to the Iran Deal exists, and arguing forcefully that the alternative to this bad deal is not war -- it's a better deal." -- Andrea Lafferty, President, Traditional Values Coalition

"The ICEJ, with branches in 80 countries, obtained 90,000 signatures on two petitions: 60,000 of them in the U.S. addressing their concerns to the White House and Congressional leaders, while 30,000 outside the U.S. were sent to the other P5+1 leaders." -- Susan Michael, U.S. Director, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

"This deal with Iran is a bad deal for the U.S., our ally Israel, and the four American hostages who were left behind. No deal is better than a bad deal that locks in the negative consequences currently incorporated. CWALAC activated our half-a-million members, particularly focused on a number of key states, and also organized a lobbying day on Capitol Hill to express our opposition to the deal." -- Penny Nance, CEO and President, Concerned Women for America

"It's not just the American people and the Israeli people that need American leadership now. ... Who will be the voice for freedom and civility in the world if not America? ... Our national anthem says that America is the 'land of the free and the home of the brave.' Free and brave people don't do deals like this." -- Star Parker, Founder and President, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education

"The Board of Directors of the National Religious Broadcasters, which represents outlets reaching 60 million viewers and listeners, earlier this year unanimously approved a formal Resolution calling 'on the United States to continue to stand steadfast by Israel in its time of need.' This agreement falls dangerously short of that position." -- Linda Smith, COO & EVP, the National Religious Broadcasters

"The IRD spoke out against the letter in favor of the Iran Agreement that had been organized by the Friends Committee on National Legislation and National Council of Churches saying it continues a longtime religiously utopian tradition of addressing the world as it wishes it to be instead of reality." -- Mark Tooley, Executive Director, The Institute for Religion and Democracy
