June 23, 2016

SIKESTON -- Financial issues and stresses in farming will be addressed in a series of regional meetings across the state next month. Farmers in Southeast Missouri farmers will meet from 9 a.m. to noon July 12 at the Miner Convention Center. David Reinbott, agriculture business official for the University of Missouri Extension's Southeast region and Scott County program director, said the meetings will be used as a "fact-finding tool" for the Missouri Department of Agriculture and University of Missouri Extension.. ...

SIKESTON -- Financial issues and stresses in farming will be addressed in a series of regional meetings across the state next month.

Farmers in Southeast Missouri farmers will meet from 9 a.m. to noon July 12 at the Miner Convention Center.

David Reinbott, agriculture business official for the University of Missouri Extension's Southeast region and Scott County program director, said the meetings will be used as a "fact-finding tool" for the Missouri Department of Agriculture and University of Missouri Extension.

"Missouri Department of Agriculture Director Richard Fordyce contacted the University of Missouri Extension because he was concerned about the financial stress potential in the state," said Reinbott. "He got the idea back in the spring when prices were low, and he was wondering what could be done."

Fordyce, who talked with economists with the University of Missouri Extension, wanted to have meetings with a panel of farmers to discuss current conditions.

"I think part of the idea was he was going to gather that information for the Secretary of Agriculture and say: 'Here's the economic situation of farmers. ...'"

The idea, Reinbott said, is for other states, such as Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska to do a similar-type program and jointly work together.

"They want to hear from farmers what they feel the financial condition of farming throughout the state is right now," Reinbott said. "Then they will update with other folks in other states to the Secretary of Agriculture."

The sessions will be held July 7-14 from the Bootheel to the northwestern corner of the state. In addition to Miner, meetings across the state will be in Mexico, Rock Port, Excelsior Springs, Springfield, St. Peters and Kirksville.

Reinbott said he's not aware of a time a meeting such as the ones planned have been done before.

"The meetings will gather information rather than tell economic outlooks," said Scott Brown, University of Missouri economist.

Agriculture and MU Extension officials will join in talks with agricultural stakeholders. Farmers, agribusiness leaders and farm organization members are urged to attend the free meetings, Brown said.

Even though summer is a busy time for area farmers, Reinbott encouraged local farmers to attend the meeting in Miner.

"Most farmers by July 12 or so, their crops should be planted or harvested," Reinbott said. "They'll be busy spraying and irrigating. We hope they'll be able to make it."

For more information or to register for the meeting for Southeast Missouri farmers, contact Reinbott at 573-545-3516.

For the complete story, see the Thursday edition of the Standard Democrat.
