NewsJanuary 29, 2025

Sikeston's Anti-Littering Poster Contest deadline is Jan. 31. Open to grades 2-4, the contest encourages creative solutions to litter issues. Cash prizes are awarded for top entries.

By Gina Curtis~Standard Democrat
story image illustation

SIKESTON — Friday, Jan. 31 marks the last day for school children to enter Sikeston’s Anti-Littering Poster Contest.

A few months ago, in a bold move to keep the city clean, Sikeston resident Kathy McClellan started the anti-litter campaign.

McClellan said she believes it is necessary to keep the city clean but also to reach the community and help them to understand the importance of keeping the town clean.

Sikeston students in grades second through fourth are able to enter the anti-littering poster contest.

McClellan said the poster contest rules are that the poster entries must provide a message and focus on solutions to Sikeston’s litter problems. The posters must be on 11-by-17-inch or 12-by-18-inch paper or poster board, preferred.

The posters must be the student’s original slogan and artwork and age-appropriate. No glue, glitter, attachments, signatures, year dates are allowed on the front of posters.

McClellan also said the posters cannot be syndicated or copyrighted, and they cannot use clipart images, name brands and company or corporate names.

“We want the students to be creative,” McClellan said. “Basically, we don’t want anything to be electronic or computer-generated. In other words, just draw, or use a pencil, pen, paint, etc.”

No profanity or sexually explicit content is allowed on the poster, according to McClellan.

McClellan said reproducibility, spelling, grammar and poster message all will factor into judges’ decisions.

McClellan said the back of the posters should contain the full, completed form in the upper right corner.

McClellan said entry forms can be retrieved from the city’s Facebook page.

The poster contest entry deadline is the end of day Friday, Jan. 31, and entries can be dropped off at the Sikeston Public Library.

McClellan said students who enter the contest must attend Sikeston schools.

According to McClellan, there are cash prize awards. First place wins $100, second place wins $75, and third place wins $50.

McClellan explained the whole purpose of the poster contest.

“It’s to make a awareness,” McClellan said. “Litter is a problem and it can easily be corrected. We need to take pride in our city, streets, our homes and surroundings. It’s important to care for our environment.”
