September 21, 2010 CHARLESTON -- A series of events to increase parent involvement at Hearnes Elementary in Charleston begins with a math carnival tonight at the school. "We needed some parent nights and events, and math is something we want our kids to be more interested in and our parents, too," said B.J. Babb, parent liaison for the elementary school...

B.J. Babb,     parent liaison at Hearnes         Elementary in Charleston, fills a study packet to be given to parents. For the first time, the school is        offering a math carnival for its prekindergarten through fifth grade students and their      parents set for 5:30  to 7 tonight. (Photo by Leonna Heuring, Staff)
B.J. Babb, parent liaison at Hearnes Elementary in Charleston, fills a study packet to be given to parents. For the first time, the school is offering a math carnival for its prekindergarten through fifth grade students and their parents set for 5:30 to 7 tonight. (Photo by Leonna Heuring, Staff)

First-ever event will take place tonight at 5:30

CHARLESTON -- A series of events to increase parent involvement at Hearnes Elementary in Charleston begins with a math carnival tonight at the school.

"We needed some parent nights and events, and math is something we want our kids to be more interested in and our parents, too," said B.J. Babb, parent liaison for the elementary school.

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