August 4, 2015

NEW MADRID - New Madrid County voters will have until 7 p.m. today to cast votes regarding a 1/2-cent sales tax to increase funding for the New Madrid County Ambulance District while voters in Charleston can cast ballots on whether to impose a 2-cent diesel tax...

NEW MADRID - New Madrid County voters will have until 7 p.m. today to cast votes regarding a 1/2-cent sales tax to increase funding for the New Madrid County Ambulance District while voters in Charleston can cast ballots on whether to impose a 2-cent diesel tax.

In an effort to build on the improvements already achieved, officials with the New Madrid County Ambulance district are asking voters for approval of an increase in the sales tax which funds the district.

Jon Burden, administrator, said a 1/4 cent sales tax currently is the only funding for the district. If an additional 1/4 cent sales tax increase is approved by voters, the district would operate solely off the total 1/2 cent sales tax, he said.

The district cited rising costs of medical equipment used by the ambulance service as well as changes in federal laws requiring those working 130 hours in a month to be considered full-time employees entitled to insurance and benefits, which has also increased the District's costs.

Also Burden said the ambulances are responding to an increasing number of calls.

Voters in Charleston will decide whether or not to imposed a 2-cent tax on diesel fuel sold within the city limits. City officials pointed out the tax will not apply to unleaded gasoline. Also, they said, it would not apply to the bulk sale of diesel fuel since those sales are not not made within the city limits.

The money generated by such a tax, according to state law, can only be used for street repairs, street lighting, street cleaning, policing of public streets, etc. Officials estimated the diesel fuel tax will generate about $350,000 annually for the city's Transportation Fund and will allow the city to conduct more street repair work, more alley maintenance, more leaf collection, and provide additional patrols.

State law requires that the proposal be approved by voters by a 2/3 majority.

For the results of these elections, check out the online edition at or see Wednesday's Standard Democrat.
