October 28, 2021

SIKESTON — With Halloween falling on a Sunday this year, some towns are choosing to move door-to-door trick-or-treating to Saturday while others are keeping the traditional activity on the actual holiday. Sikeston Sikeston City Hall has received several inquiries asking what day treat-or-treating is allowed since Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, city officials said...

By Leonna Heuring/Standard Democrat
Jack-O-Lanterns sit on a stoop in preperation for trick-or-treaters this weekend. Some cities have elected to move door-to-door trick-or-treating to Saturday while others are keeping the traditional activity on the actual holiday.
Jack-O-Lanterns sit on a stoop in preperation for trick-or-treaters this weekend. Some cities have elected to move door-to-door trick-or-treating to Saturday while others are keeping the traditional activity on the actual holiday.

SIKESTON — With Halloween falling on a Sunday this year, some towns are choosing to move door-to-door trick-or-treating to Saturday while others are keeping the traditional activity on the actual holiday.


Sikeston City Hall has received several inquiries asking what day treat-or-treating is allowed since Halloween falls on a Sunday this year, city officials said.

“The City of Sikeston doesn’t regulate what day people may trick-or-treat so celebrating it on Sunday is perfectly fine,” a statement from the City of Sikeston said. “There are several community events such as trunk-or-treats that set their own schedules as well.

“Technically, there is nothing to stop people from handing out candy or trick-or-treating on any particular day. The City encourages people to trick-or-treat safely, hand out candy if and when they want to, and to have good wholesome fun this Halloween.”

However, trick-or-treaters in Sikeston are encouraged to avoid houses with no exterior lights on and to conclude trick-or-treating by 9 p.m.

East Prairie

Trick-or-treating in East Prairie will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday for children ages 12 and under, according to the East Prairie Police Department.


Trick-or-treating in Charleston will be Sunday. The Charleston city ordinance is for door-to-door trick-or-treating to always occur on the actual holiday from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., city hall personnel said.


Trick-or-treating within the city of Portageville will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday for children ages 12 and under.

New Madrid

According to the New Madrid Police Department, city ordinance does not regulate the dates for trick-or-treating, only the curfew on Halloween. With that in mind, trick-or-treat activities can take place between dusk and 9 p.m. Sunday.


Trick-or-treating in Matthews will be on Sunday after the annual Halloween event at the community building.


Trick-or-treating in Morehouse will take place on Sunday, according to city officials. There are no designated times for trick-or-treating.


In the City of Benton, trick-or-treating takes place on the actual holiday.

“We always do trick-or-treating on Halloween,” said City Clerk Connie Barnett.


Trick-or-treating in the city of Oran will be from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. To help trick-or-treaters identify if homes that are passing out candy, turn on a porch light, according to the City of Oran.
