“For [Simon Peter] and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish that they had taken, and so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.”And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.” Luke 5:9-11 ESV
I’ve gone fishing a few times over the years. I had tremendous fun fishing. My family had a farm in Indiana where we would fish on the farm. There was a pond where we would catch bluegill, catfish, and a few carp. I loved that honey hole. I loved fishing on the family farm. Yet, my experience with fishing was not like that of Simon Peter on the Lake of Gennesaret.
Initially, Simon Peter was skeptical of what Jesus was saying to him: cast the net over to the side and see what happens. Simon Peter answered Jesus, “Master, we toiled all night and we didn’t bring in anything. But at your word I will let down the nets.” Simon Peter took Jesus out his word, an extension of faith, perhaps. When Peter had thrown in the net, he and the disciples immediately enclosed a large number of fish in their nets, so much so that the nets were breaking. There were so many fish that they needed help bringing in that large catch of fish. It was larger than anything they had seen before. It was a miraculous catch of fish.
Simon Peter was not exactly sure what to do with this situation. He listened to Jesus, and suddenly boats were sinking, men were straining to pull in the nets, and the fish overwhelmed the fishermen. What did Simon Peter do? He fell down at Jesus’ feet and said, “depart for me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” Simon Peter recognized that Jesus was no longer “master” (as in boss) but Lord (as in King, Ruler, Creator, God). Simon Peter seemingly prostrated himself before Jesus in deference to such a mighty act, a mighty God. But Jesus brought Simon Peter to his feet and gave him and the others a new task: go fish for men.
In this passage, Luke tells his readers two things about Jesus. The first is that he is the Son of God, akin to the Creator Himself. When Jesus speaks, the creation listens. When Jesus speaks, something amazing will happen. Jesus revealed to Simon Peter that He is God. The second thing that Luke captures for his readers is that Jesus brings people in on His mission. Jesus’ mission is to go fishing for men, to build up His kingdom with people who follow Him. When Jesus calls the disciples to go fishing, He includes them in His miraculous mission of bringing people back to His Father.
The same as for you and for me. It is the mission of the church to reel in men so that all would be part of God’s kingdom. Jesus includes you and me on His fishing expedition for men, for followers of Him. Jesus tells His church to “go fishing.” May all church signs read “gone fishin,’” as the church gets to work reeling in people to follow Jesus!
The Rev. Matthew Berry is pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Sikeston, Missouri. Based in Sikeston’s Historic North End, Concordia is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), a theologically conservative, biblically sound, Christ-centered church.