Bernie Sanders, who came within a whisker of being the Democrat's Presidential nominee, is a Socialist. Like all Socialists, he believes that government is the answer to all problems.
The Antifa crowd are Socialists, too. Largely funded by Socialists, the highly-organized protesters want the government to control your actions, your businesses, your income and every single aspect of your life.
This is the Socialists' philosophy.
But why talk of Socialism when we have a living example of a Socialist nation right in our own backyard.
So just how is that working? Well let's take a brief look at actions this week in our Socialist neighbor Venezuela.
Venezuela is facing a crisis unlike any in modern history. Their Socialist regime controls every single aspect of the economy by taking control of private industry and turning it over to the regime.
Facing a food crisis that has claimed thousands of lives, Venezuelan leaders this week unveiled a plan to raise rabbits for food.
Called "Plan Rabbit," the government is urging their fellow Venezuelans to raise rabbits for food to make up for the massive food shortage there.
Currently residents are allowed to shop for food one day a week. But with inflation forecasts to increase 720 percent this year -- that's right, 720 percent -- money is understandably tight.
Thus rabbits for supper.
The Socialist government nationalized all farmland and then mismanaged it to such an extent that food shortages have become a national crisis. Countrymen there lost at average of 19 lbs. last year alone.
The state-run oil industry is bankrupt and the United States has imposed sanctions over massive human rights violations. Farms no longer produce enough to feed the people, anyone who questions the regime quickly vanishes and protests are a daily ritual.
So this is the portrait of a true Socialist regimen that Bernie and Antifa and others yearn for.
What's truly both sad and frightening is that the young people here who join this Socialist movement are clueless of the outcome. They blindly rail against the rich and any other actions they deem inappropriate.
But if those starry-eyed kids would only look at a working, living example of what they advocate, then perhaps they would adopt some common sense and recognize the folly of their actions.