WEP, GPO effects explained
In response to the Speakout on Jan. 14, I would like to explain how the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) affect workers who have paid into more than one retirement system. Those affected by WEP and GPO have had “real” jobs. Many worked more than one real job. Many teachers paid into public school retirement system in Missouri and Social Security. For example, I worked for 20 years and paid into Social Security before I started my teaching career. I taught 24 years and paid into Missouri Public School Retirement System. During that time, I worked summers and weekends at other jobs and paid into Social Security. I have paid enough to draw my full Social Security, but WEP reduces my Social Security by two-thirds. My husband passed away after paying over 40 years into Social Security. I am not eligible to draw my husband’s Social Asecurity because of WEP. A person who had not paid into Public School Retirement System would be able to draw their deceased spouse’s Social Security. The Social Security Fairness Act gives back Social Security to people who paid into the system and gives back the pension they earned. Other groups affected include police officers, firemen and railroad workers. Any worker who has paid into more than one retirement system, according to the rules and regulations of those systems, should be able to draw from all of them.