April 23, 2016

I'd like to say a few things this evening. I think Mor- ley needs to have a city ordinance about these dogs running loose and pooping in other people's yards and the people stepping in the poop. You get it on your shoes and track it in your house. Maybe this new po- liceman can do something about it. It's not right to try to get in your car or have visitors without stepping in poop from somebody else's dog. Keep it in your own...

A load of crap

I'd like to say a few things this evening. I think Mor- ley needs to have a city ordinance about these dogs running loose and pooping in other people's yards and the people stepping in the poop. You get it on your shoes and track it in your house. Maybe this new po- liceman can do something about it. It's not right to try to get in your car or have visitors without stepping in poop from somebody else's dog. Keep it in your own

yard. The City of Morley needs to take it up at the next meeting. They should fine these people for letting these dogs run wild. We need a dog pound because we pay city taxes.

Yay Eagles!

We'd like to congratulate the Eagles for winning against Scott County Central tonight. You're No. 1 in this area. You guys are the best.
