“Now about eight days after these sayings [Jesus] took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” Luke 9:28-31
Have you ever been on top of a mountain? One of my favorite mountain top experiences is that of standing above Colorado Springs at Pikes Peak. At over fourteen thousand feet above sea level, Pikes Peak allows you to reach out towards the heavens and look down below at the world beneath your feet. I was overcome by awe at just how cool being on top a mountain was for little ol’ me. In a very real sense, I was “whooshed up” in all the glory and majesty that is standing at elevation normally reserved for airplanes. Maybe I was “whooshed up” from the thin air. Maybe it was the freezing temperatures. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my mountain top experience.
Jesus and a few of His disciples had their own mountain top experience. As Jesus was praying, His face was altered, and His clothing was dazzling white. Jesus was transfigured - changed - before those present. Jesus then was accompanied by two men: Moses and Elijah (two dead men). Peter and those who came with Jesus were stunned. As Peter babbled something about tents, a cloud came and a voice spoke saying “this is my Son, my Chosen One, listen to Him!” After the voice spoke, Jesus was found alone. What just happened? What did the disciples just witness? What was going on there on the mountain?
The disciples experienced a full glimpse of heaven on earth. They experienced the glory of the Risen Christ before He was crucified and rose. The disciples were given a glimpse of the power, awe, and glory that Jesus was imbued with and had command of. The disciples saw Jesus as He is right now - crucified, risen, and ascended. The disciples saw and heard God face-to-face. They saw the promises of God through His Son - there will be a resurrection! Not only will Jesus be raised, but all of God’s people will be raised. They even heard Our Father give his seal of approval, His signal to the world: Jesus is the savior of the world. Jesus will save the world from its sin and brokenness in His death. By His resurrection, Jesus will be glorified and live to all eternity as King of Kings and Lord of Lords upon His throne on the new mountaintop - the New Jerusalem. Talk about a mountain top experience!
This experience comes down to earth whenever the church gathers for worship. Wherever God’s Word is purely preached and His Sacraments are administered and received properly, there is a glimpse of heaven on earth; a true mountain top experience. Come and join in this Sunday!
The Rev. Matthew Berry is pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Sikeston, Missouri. Based in Sikeston’s Historic North End, Concordia is a member congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS), a theologically conservative, biblically sound, Christ-centered church.