SIKESTON - The first bale of cotton to move into a Sikeston gin this season was reported Monday at the Sikeston Gin Co. The cotton was brought in by Grover Baker and it was the Delta Pine variety.
SIKESTON - T.H. Grady, commander of Sikeston Post No. 3174 Veterans of Foreign Wars, announced today that members of the post will be at Malone Park Saturday to apply luminous tape to children's bicycles. This tape serves as warning signals and helps minimize accidents. Taping will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday and the police will assist the veterans.
SIKESTON - Sikeston High School has developed a new curriculum for accelerated and general education programs which takes effect with the beginning of this school year on Sept. 4. In previous years, high school students have been grouped in three divisions - maximum, major and regular. These groupings have been based on testing, grades and teacher's records, according to Glenna Priday, public relations director for Sikeston Schools. The new program will be divided into just two groups, according to information supplied by Bob Buchanan, senior high principal.
SIKESTON - Fifteen-year-old Russian foreign exchange student Anya Logrinova is experiencing many new things. She recently opened her first checking account with First National Bank.
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SIKESTON - Seniors Hudson Peters, Blake Ledbetter, Steven Geralds and Garrett Taylor all hope to improve last season's 4-6 record. A complete look at all area high school football teams will be published in a Standard Democrat special section on Sunday.