In answer to "Wannabe Santa," you are so unhappy, I felt sorry for you. You are jealous. You want to be a Santa and you want to make someone happy. That's what Santas do. He is happy and free and can play Santa any time he wants to. His suit reminds him of Christmas and that is our Savior's birthday. We can and should celebrate it every day. You called him stupid and all of those ugly names. He is not stupid. He was made in the image of God, so are we. We are supposed to lift people up, not push them down. God did not make stupid people. I am a farmer too and am 92 years old. I never used words like that. We were always so glad when some neighbor brought us fresh vegetables. Then we had extra melons or vegetables. We would remember our friend and make her family happy too. He may be lonely and needed a friend. Be one.
I want to thank my daughters-in-law, "M" and "K" have been there for me the past three years. Any time I've needed a ride or help, they've been there. My two girls have always been there. Every mother-in-law should be so blessed like I have been with them. Thank you girls, so much. I love you both!
About the dog people say was abused and taken to the humane society, I understand the dog had a staph infection and the person who took the dog to the shelter may have been treating him for mange with burned cylinder oil, which is what will cure the mange. I don't believe this was an act of cruelty. They just couldn't afford a vet and had too much heart to shoot him.
Let's take records of the ones who talk so much about Bush and putting him down. Ted Kennedy murdered someone, left the scene of an accident and sobered up for 24 hours. Do you think anybody here could do a hit-and-run and get by with it? They'd send them to the pen, much less killed somebody. Then there's Jesse Jackson, who was tutoring Clinton when he was having his problems and was having an affair with a woman himself. Now he's putting Bush down. And Clinton, what did he do when he was in there? He had all those affairs when he was in the White House and took people overseas and messed around, gave them money and put gays in the military. One thing about him, he hasn't been putting Bush down yet. And they all grab their Bibles and run to church. How about John Kerry? He couldn't even get along with his first wife; he's a divorcee. At least Bush is more decent and if he goes to his farm, he goes to Texas and works. That's better than taking our money and flying overseas and giving our money away. The first thing Clinton did was give our money to the foreign countries and then put the gays in there. So let's not put Bush down so bad. All this about the jobs and things, check around and see how many factories have closed. Where did he get the money to pay off the debt? That was from people who had retired and had to pay taxes on their retirement. Also the ones who lost their profit sharing, that's where the money came from. If you don't want to put this in SpeakOut, give it to Mike and he'll put it on his side because it's a pretty good speech.
Mr. Bush is cruel and continually whimpers about the poor economy he inherited. Think back about what Bill Clinton inherited from Reagan and Bush Sr. At that time, a record deficit. He overcame that and left a nice surplus, which Bush never mentions. In three years, Bush has far surpassed the previous deficit to a $5.5 trillion figure. Imagine what it will be in another year if it increases according to the same rate. Of course, he is spending our money as he has his all his life, I'm sure, without any fear of running out. What country will take over when he decides to declare bankruptcy?