October 21, 2004

Tell me something, "Kerryheads." What do you want with Kerry? Do you want more affordable healthcare? What difference does it make how affordable it is if our hospitals have been blown up by terrorists? Do you want more money for education? What's the point if there is such a high risk of terrorists going into our schools and shooting our children? We know it's happened. ...

Tell me something, "Kerryheads." What do you want with Kerry? Do you want more affordable healthcare? What difference does it make how affordable it is if our hospitals have been blown up by terrorists? Do you want more money for education? What's the point if there is such a high risk of terrorists going into our schools and shooting our children? We know it's happened. It happened in Russia and there are plans for it to happen here. They got somebody on the news the other day with a disc outlining procedures for evacuation of our schools that are studying how to kill our kids. This election is about life and death - that's it. Bush wants to help keep us all alive. Do you know what really makes me angry? Having uninformed people strip our commander-in-chief of his duties while we are in a war and put some idiot in there who does not understand the scope of the situation. Kerry said himself that he does not know what to expect in Iraq by the time he gets to be in there, but he has a plan. He doesn't know what to expect, but he has a plan. Think about it, people. This is life and death.


A friend of mine recently returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. He told me he couldn't help but notice that many of the cars that have the "Support Our Troops" stickers on them have "W" for president, also. He noted that he has not once seen a Kerry sticker beside a "Support Our Troops" sticker. I hadn't thought about that, but it is a very interesting thing to think about. I guess Kerry and support our troops can't be put together in the same sentence. That is a very scary thought.


Everybody who votes for George W. Bush is in trouble. If he can't straighten everything out in three years, how can he straighten things out right before the election? Please don't vote for this man. Let's get him out of office while we still have a country that we can call our country and make things better by electing John Kerry.

Some have said that John Kerry has lied about his record and didn't get a Purple Heart or anything. Go to www.washingtondispatch.com and all his service records are there. They show John Kerry and lots of other people, but they don't have George W. Bush.


Senior citizens, please pay attention. The president we have now is going to ruin America if he's in there four more years. Look at your Social Security, the things he's going to do to it, the things he has done and the don't-care attitude he has toward older people. We are left out of everything that is decided. Please, please, no four more years for this man.


I would like to thank Irwin Porter for his very good letter to the editor. I absolutely agree that the Bush presidency has been a failure and it's time for a change. Thank you, Mr. Porter. It is nice to see someone new writing letters to the editor.


George W. Bush is doing nothing about the high cost of gasoline, something he could do something about. The energy crisis is hurting old people and we can't do anything about it. Everything else in this country that is reaching sky-high prices, he just does not care. We need someone who does care. Vote for Kerry.


The greatest period of economic growth in 20 years, 20 million jobs created in the last year. Go, Bush! You rock!

I know the Standard mails out the newspapers every day but the Post Office really screws up. On Oct. 5, I received my papers for Sept. 21, 26 and 28. On Oct. 8, I got my papers for Sept. 17 and Oct. 3 and 4. The postal employees are paid better wages than most people in Southeast Missouri and everywhere else. It seems they could at least get the papers in the right place. Some of my papers come back from places like Wyoming and Montana because they were sent to the wrong place. Some of the postal employees either can't read or the falling down on the job.

The unemployment rate is 5.4 percent. That's what it was in 1996 when Clinton was running for re-election. But he was a Democrat; Bush is a Republican. So that figure isn't good enough - not even for the media. All those new jobs are just temporary anyway, they say. Baloney! In 1917, Lenin promised 0 percent unemployment to the Russians. When the communists took over, they made everybody a worker and gave everybody a job of some kind or other. Is that what the Democratic Party is, another socialist party? I really believe it is.

I watched the first two presidential debates and the vice-presidential debate and haven't heard any of the politicians say anything about welfare. They haven't brought the subject of welfare up in any conversation or questions and answers. There are some who need welfare, but I know of too many who are on welfare and are able to work. They are committing fraud and our state and government seem like they're not concerned about it. There are many of us who work and have no medical coverage, we have to pay for our medication and medical bills because we don't have a Medicaid card like the deadbeats who don't work. There is just too much fraud in the welfare system today. I would like to see one of these politicians have enough nerve and enough guts to come down on welfare.
