October 1, 2002

MINER - Amanda Gail Riley and Jeffrey James Quigley exchanged wedding vows in an April 20, 2002, ceremony at the Miner Baptist Church. The Rev. Dwayne Coleman performed the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mike and Gail Riley of Blodgett and her husband is the son of Tim and Nancy Quigley of Cape Girardeau...

MINER - Amanda Gail Riley and Jeffrey James Quigley exchanged wedding vows in an April 20, 2002, ceremony at the Miner Baptist Church. The Rev. Dwayne Coleman performed the double-ring ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Mike and Gail Riley of Blodgett and her husband is the son of Tim and Nancy Quigley of Cape Girardeau.

Music was provided by Beth Lieble of Herculaneum and vocalist Mandy Dennis of Shreveport, La.

Mandy Dennis served as matron of honor and bridesmaids were Shannon Peters and Julie Milam of Benton and Sandy Quigley of Cape Girardeau, sister of the bridegroom. Junior bride was Shannon Quigley, niece of the bridegroom.

Michael Riley of Blodgett, brother of the bride, was best man. Groomsmen were Eric Yates of Sikeston, Luke Simmons of Charleston and Jesse Due of Sikeston. Zane Riley, brother of the bride, was junior groomsman. Ushers were Greg Riley of New Hamburg, uncle of the bride, and Jason Montgomery of Oran, cousin of the bride.

Serving as candlelighters were Emily Glastetter and Tiffany Glastetter of New Hamburg, cousins of the bride.

Program attendants were Jenny Riley of New Hamburg and Bridgett Riley of Benton, cousins of the bride. Audrey Riley of Cape Girardeau, cousin of the bride and Brenda Harper of Jackson, aunt of the bride, attended the guest book.

Sandy Ruff of Benton was wedding coordinator.

Following the ceremony, a reception and dinner was hosted at the VFW Hall in Morley. Guests were served by Jane Mongtomery, Karen Sullinger and Geri Riley, aunts of the bride, and Kim Austin, cousin of the bride.

The bridegroom's parents hosted a rehearsal dinner on April 19 in the church hall where guests were served by Dorothy Lewer, Jane Montgomery and Rhonda Riley.

The bride graduated in 1996 from Sikeston Schools of Practical Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Quigley are employed by the Missouri Department of Mental Health in Sikeston.

Following a honeymoon to Gatlinburg, Tenn., they are making their home in Sikeston.
