Speakout 5/2

Thursday, May 2, 2002

Call 471-6636

I'm not a prejudiced person. I have nothing against black or white or purple or big people. But my husband and I lost our home. We were set up at a shelter here in Sikeston. What's funny is, the Division of Family Services took everything away that we needed to get back on our feet. I don't like welfare. I don't like paying for it sometimes, but when you need it - you really need it - that's when you should be able to get it. We only get $135 a month and now we don't even have that, and we only get $200 in food stamps for a family of five with another one on the way. I can watch some people go to DFS in a brand new fancy car and say they want to sign up for some help, and they get it. Why? Because they call it discrimination. I know someone who sits on his butt and he doesn't do anything. But I guarantee you, if I would paint my skin and walk through that door and cry "discrimination," I would get the same benefits as every other breathing person out there. Who can I contact about getting the assistance I need to get my family back on their feet. It's funny that when the government is supposed to help you get off of what they want you to get off, but they don't give it to you to get off of. If you have any questions, please put it in SpeakOut and please give me some answers.

We lived in a house on Glenn Ridge Drive in Cape Girardeau and on Jan. 3, my husband and I were not home and our neighbor decided to take things out of our home. We had it investigated. They didn't do much to find our belongings but, most importantly, we have a female full-blooded German Shepherd dog named Scully. She is four years old and has a chip injected in her back, she is a tan color brown and has her shots good for a year. She is missing and is either in the Cape Girardeau, Oran or Sikeston area, possibly another city. We are trying to locate her. She was stolen from our neighbor. The neighbor next to me either tried to sell her or she gave her away. My little boy misses her and so do we. If you have any contact on this missing family member, please contact (573) 683-3250 (that is a message number). Once again, thank you very much.

I'm trying to locate Jim Russ or Phylis Case. If you know where they are or can be located, call me at 573-481-0935.

I find it hard to believe how snooty some parents can be just because their kids have a little more talent at playing ball than some of the others. Here is a message for you folks. You're trying to live your dream through your kids, and it just will never happen. In fact, I would bet my house that I'll be working with your kids alongside you in a few years while my kids are making something happen for themselves in the real world. You can brag and push all you want but the truth is that only one in a million will make a living playing ball. Of course you could go watch him in single A - if you're lucky.

This humble note is to the gracious lady who found my purse on April 26 in the shopping cart on the Wal-Mart parking lot. Thank you for turning it in to the service desk. Thank you and thank you again. May God bless you many times for this most precious and commandment deed you enacted. We all need to know that there are good and honest people in this world.

The Pope shouldn't have any say whether there is a crime or not. These priests should be subject to the same laws that any other child molester has. I can't think of anything more degrading or disgusting.