SIKESTON - The Sikeston High School Bulldogs went down to defeat Friday at the local gymnasium before a more experienced Cape Girardeau cage team. The local team was defeated 26 to 18. Hayden was high man with eight points.
POPLAR BLUFF - Sikeston's Bulldogs dropped to fourth in the SeMo Conference here last night with a 3-3 loop posting after dropping a crucial league game to host Poplar Bluff Mules, 65-51.
20 years ago
Feb. 19, 1984
SIKESTON - A $23,000 car, stolen in Sikeston Wednesday, was recovered this morning by the Scott City Police Department. The 1983 Eldorado Cadillac, owned by D.L. Best of Dexter, was stolen Wednesday while it was parked in front of Falkoff's Men's Store in Sikeston. The keys were in the vehicle at the time of the theft, a DPS spokesman said. A suspect has been arrested, but the name is being withheld pending charges.
BENTON - The Scott County Commission has received a letter from Sikeston City Manager Steve Borgsmiller confirming the selection of two Sikeston residents to serve on a board designed to explore the implementation of a 911 E System for the counties of Scott and New Madrid and the City of Sikeston. Two individuals from each county will be chosen as board members. The system is more advanced than the present 911 D System, enabling law enforcement officials to identify the caller's number and location whether or not it is given.
SIKESTON - Louis H. Ford of Chicago, chief officer of the Church of God in Christ Inc., and recording artist Betty R. Nelson of Houston Texas, will be guests at the inaugural banquet and service honoring Bishop Charlie Green Jr.