I called about the striping on the road by Wal-Mart and think my call may have been misunderstood. I'm talking about the striping on the road from the 4-way light to the 4-way stop at J.C. Penney's between Wal-Mart and Penney's. You can barely see it.
I hate to stay this, but our state representative Rod Jetton who is speaker pro tem and is from Southeast Missouri, has made me embarrassed to even tell people I'm from Southeast Missouri. For him to act like he did during Governor Holden's speech in Jefferson City is pathetic. This kind of behavior from Jetton surprises me. I don't guess he has figured out that he is supposed to be a leader, not someone knocking the system. How proud must his parents be after that little fiasco.
I read Mike Jensen's article about obscene language not being acceptable. I accidentally turned my TV to Howard Stearn. I couldn't believe what I saw and heard the other night. He needs to be taken off the air. He was very, very vocal with women and said he would like for them to disrobe, to do things that he shouldn't be asking them to do. I couldn't believe it! I turned him off and wouldn't watch him for anything. He's terrible and I don't know why they don't do something about that.
Why is it taking so long for people in Mississippi County to get the papers back to be approved for heating assistance? Winter will be over before we get it. Do we get $100 off to help pay our heating bills, $50, or what. What have the people at DAEOC done? We only have about another 60 days of winter. What's taking so long to get an approval or denial?
I mailed in an article about farmers and New Madrid County a week ago. Is there a certain wait period?
The Rescue Mission has an ad in the paper and said they help everyone. I understood they are there to help the needy. You can buy cheaper at Wal-Mart than you can at the Rescue Mission. If you have a burn-out, you might get two changes of clothes and I thought the clothes were donated for the needy. I hope you print this.
They have pictures in the paper of houses that need to be torn down by the city. They also have pictures of the First Baptist Church. Why doesn't the church take care of that? They are the ones who had it and moved out. The taxpayers shouldn't be the ones to tear it down.
The church no longer owns the building.
I work in a nursing home. Your parents, friends and siblings are in a nursing home are still your parents, siblings and friends. You don't know how many times they get dressed up in their best because you are coming to see them. You don't see the hurt in their eyes when you don't come. They were there when you needed them, and now they need you. Just a 30-minute visit wouldn't take up much of your time. They shouldn't be forgotten. They are still the same people they were before they got sick and had to go to a nursing home. Just drive by and say hello and let them you know you love them. Check their closets and drawers and see what they need. Just a few minutes of your time would make their whole week.
I know a lot of people in Southeast Missouri live to be a ripe old age. But I don't believe anyone has lived as long as the person listed in the Jan. 14 paper in the marriage license, where a man 223 years old married a woman 19 years in Scott City. I don't think anyone has lived to be 223 years old. It's just one big, fat mistake - but funny.