Men's Golf Association Thursday Night League Play (7/29)
First place Team:
Galen Kruger Sr., Gary Rhynerson, James Bain, Jim Cravens (8 under par - 28)
Twilight Golf (7/30):
A Flight: 1st - Hunter/Pearson 26
2nd - Underwood/Bard 31
3rd - Kruger/Ahlvin 33
4th - Largent/Boardman 33
B Flight: 1st - Cook/Abner 34
2nd - Kruger/Warf 35
3rd - Turnbow/Anderson 35
4th - Brinkman/Poole 36
Membership or Tee Time information:
Pro shop 472-4225
Office 472-0656
Sunday Points Game (8-2)
First place team:
Troy Dooley, Ted Dunderback
Second place team:
Tony Hill, Beck Smith
Third place team:
Dave Huntsman, Aaron Moore
Tuesday Senior League: First place team: Owens, Barnes, Snider (61)
Second place team: Chaney, Smith, "Double Eagle" Evans (64)
Tuesday Match Play
1st half winners:
1st - Chuck Loafman
2nd - Steve Eggers
3rd - Kenny Woodard
Interclub Matches: Format - 9 hole, 2-man best ball. 9 hole scramble. Paxton Park Seniors versus Boot Heel GC Seniors, Tuesday, July 27th - Boot Heel GC (370), Paxton Park (374). Next match is Aug. 12 at Paxton Park.
Golf Tip:
By Bootheel pro Jeff Ketterman
Clear your hips fully on the downswing. Make sure you have transferred body weight to the outside of your front foot. In other words, go ahead and let it rip!
League News:
Cowboy Classic Benefit Scramble sponsored by Health Facilities Rehab: Your chance to play with the Rodeo clowns, contestants and celebrities. Proceeds to go to the Cowboy Injury Fund. Friday, Aug. 13. Call the Pro Shop at (573) 472-6111 for details. 1st Annual Sikeston Open:
Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 25 and 26. Individual stroke play, flighted by handicap. Entry fee is $100. (Includes practice round/cart and range balls, awards and prizes).