After reading the April 17 paper, I sure hope they don't cut back on our police officers. We need every officer we have and more. If some of you would get involved and see what's going on in town, you would stand behind our officers and help clean up this mess. To top it all off, the people who are causing trouble and the problems are young and sitting on their butt and getting government checks. They care for our property as if they were dogs. If these people would go to work, they wouldn't have time to drive around and get into trouble. They run their radios so loud you can't enjoy your yard anymore or even sleep for that matter. Everybody needs to get behind these officers to help clean this mess up. They're doing all they can without everyone's support.
This is in response to the April 17 SpeakOut where someone was talking about Kmart raising prices before they mark them down. They don't have to worry about Kmart raising prices because Kmart's gone.
I would like to say thank you. I know a lot of people knock the Sikeston Police Department. I would like to thank the detectives who helped me get my car back. It was found in Nashville, Tenn., and it if weren't for the detectives in Sikeston, I may have never seen it again. I want to say "thank you" to the Sikeston Police Department for helping me get back my vehicle.
In the robbery of U-Pump It on April 12, I didn't see where a former DPS officer (Todd) and his buddy (Leroy) were given credit for the capture of the robber. DPS is taking credit where credit isn't due. The two men should be praised instead of DPS. Also, when are they going to running the mosquito truck? Over on Matthews St. The mosquitoes are really bad already. If they could get the trucks out early, I would really appreciate it.