Looking Back 3/2

Sunday, March 2, 2003

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Mrs. Harry Stacy was hostess recently at a surprise personal shower complimenting Miss Pauline Husher who will leave March 8 for Santa Monica, Calif., where she plans to make her home.

40 years ago

BENTON - Sheriff John Dennis announced that he has appointed John Edward Michael to be his chief deputy effective March 1.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Helen Sanders recently received the annual ward given by the SeMo Regional Home Health Agency for making the most registered nurse visits for the 1981-82 fiscal year. Sanders, who has been employed by the agency for one and a half years and works primarily in Scott County, was presented a plaque for making 1,200 visits during the year.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Members of Sikeston's BOCA Board of Appeals and the code enforcement division continue to update the city's code manuals in hopes of finding some common ground in the department. Currently, the city uses six different volumes of code-enforcement manuals - each provided by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International.

SIKESTON - Educators recently participated in the MSTA, S.E. District Day of Concern by visiting Rep. Dennis Ziegenhorn. Margaret Mooreman, legislative chairman of the Sikeston Community Teachers Association, Marian Pratt, president of SCTA and Bob Depro, vice president of SCTA and S.E. District Missouri State Teachers Association, discussed many topics affecting the Sikeston School District, but particularly the new funding formula required by Judge Byron Kinder's ruling. While at the Capitol, they attended a portion of the open hearing.

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