Does anybody know what ever happened to the show, "Baby Bob" that used to come on KFVS-TV? My little daughter liked it very well. Does anybody know why it went off the air?
Why in the world, where are they getting this huge rating that George W. Bush has? They are not talking to Democrats (it's probably all Republicans that they are talking to). Everybody I talk to despises the man and say he is ruining our country. Please get him out of office. He needs to be impeached - now.
This is to the person who said marijuana is not a "gateway" drug. Who are you to say it's not? Statistics show that it is. Teen-agers who experiment with marijuana do experiment with other drugs. As for caffeine and cigarettes, they are legal. Drugs aren't. I don't now who taught you right from wrong, but you were taught wrong.
How can one store have a one-day-only sale every day in the month? It doesn't make sense. I'd like to have an explanation of that.
Since we have no idea which store you are calling about, we cannot answer your question. You should call and ask the store manager your question.
I was reading the Jan. 29 SpeakOut, "Support players" where a caller said people in Charleston should come out and support the girl players because the other schools back their teams. This person is badly, badly mistaken. East Prairie doesn't support its Lady Eagles at all. They have maybe 5-8 parents and that is it. When the boys have a ballgame, you can't find a seat or a parking place. You tell me Charleston doesn't support its team? You're wrong. East Prairie doesn't back its team, especially the girls.
This is about the teacher who was fired in Crystal City. I don't think she did anything wrong. She just spoke her mind and gave her opinion about what she thought was right. I totally agree with her (and I'm black). I don't think racism should be an issue but it is a problem for biracial children. No one wants to accept them and I don't think she did anything wrong. God bless her.
This is in response to the person who was talking about the mail carrier in Miner. Count yourself lucky. I live in Sikeston behind the Pizza Inn and we have had three days in a one-week span when our mail didn't get delivered at all and there are several nights it hasn't run until after 7 p.m. Count yourself lucky that it is still daylight when you get your mail.
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I thought it was interesting that the caller from Miner complained that sometimes they don't get their mail until between 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Good news. We don't get ours until 6 p.m. or sometimes we don't get it at all. If the weather is bad or the carriers are too late, they take our mail back to the Post Office. Miner, consider yourself lucky. I'll trade you anytime.
When is Sikeston going to get some decent jobs in town? The town is slowly going downhill. The poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. The town is going to nothing but drug dealers. We need jobs, jobs, jobs. Not fast-food jobs, not bar jobs, but decent, good paying jobs. It's time we started living in 2003.