CROWDER - Loss in excess of $1,000 occurred during the early morning hours Monday in a fire which destroyed a platform and 19 bales of cotton at the Stoddard Gin Company, five miles west of Crowder.
SIKESTON - The sixth Boy Scout troop in Sikeston, Troop 133, was this morning sponsored by the Hunter Memorial Presbyterian Church. Leaders are Donald Pickens, scoutmaster; Sam Parmenter, junior scoutmaster; Paul Hill, chairman of organization and extension; Hemba Young, committee chairman; and Harry Dover, district public relations chairman.
SIKESTON - Karen Sue Swinney is celebrating her 15th birthday today. She is the daughter of Chester and Brenda Swinney and granddaughter of Bascomb Gardner and Chester and Virginia Swinney of Sikeston and the late Verla Gardner. She is a student at Sikeston High School and attends Christ Gospel Church.
SIKESTON - It has been a rough week for Shawn Crawford. As advertising manager for the Standard Democrat, she is accustomed to a breakneck pace on Mondays and Tuesdays, when advertisers rush to meet deadline for the Wednesday free edition. That pace doubled this week as employment opportunities ads came rolling in, and not just the little ones. Advertisers wanted large display ads to attract workers. Their requests fill an entire page of today's newspaper. "It seemed like every other call was for a help wanted ad," said Crawford. Indeed, they beckon teachers and truck drivers, pilots and principals.
SIKESTON - The Recreation Department is accepting nominations for the 1993 Honors Board installation ceremony.