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To the person who complained about dogs being out at night and said they should be chained up, you shouldn't be walking at night. They're just out there doing their job.
To the person who spoke out and said they were walking down the street and a dog started chasing them, why were they walking at night? Some of us let our dogs out at night to keep our streets safe.
I haven't lived in Missouri very long. I moved here from Florida and am disabled with Multiple Sclerosis (I'm on the downside of it). I would like to SpeakOut to people who have disabilities. I learned something that I believe applies a great deal to this area and several others as well. It is a shame and does not speak well at all of this society, furthermore, in this community, that people with disabilities are discriminated against, almost to the point of feeling like a criminal when seeking help. Furthermore, we must suffer because the ignorance is greater than the knowledge of the medical community. We are made to feel as if any help is welcome, and even if the help does not apply to our situation we are supposed to accept. As well, all the agencies that are available to fight the discrimination of persons with disabilities close their doors and predetermine said person's fate before the facts on both sides are known.
I would like to SpeakOut about this 85 percent prison term. I believe this is unconstitutional. Please contact Gov. Bob Holden in Jefferson City and ask that this be dropped to 45 percent. That's the reason for the over crowded prisons, broken hearts and broken homes. We need justice in the courtroom and if there is no justice, give us a break. Give us justice for all.
It is a disgrace how people make a mess of their lives and then try to drag people into it that don't want any part of it and didn't have anything to do with the mess they made of their own personal lives. They don't know how to leave others alone and start trying to figure things out their own way.
I have a complaint for an oil change place in Sikeston. We always get the oil in our car changed at this place. We changed the washer fluid this week and it was diluted so bad with water that it froze up the next day. So congratulations to you. You have lost the business of me, my wife and our kids. If you are going to put washer fluid in cars, you need to put the right kind in for winter time.
Have you contacted this place of business and spoken with the manager?