To the person complaining about late delivery of the mail and newspaper, we live on the east side and get our mail and newspaper late at night, too, so you're not the only one.
Someone talked in SpeakOut about "Youth taught wrong lessons," where the caller talked about seeing people on corners selling drugs only in Sikeston. I have news for you. It's all over the world. It's in Texas (try Houston), you see people standing on the corner trying to sell; you see 15-year-old girls having babies. It's not limited to Sikeston. Try traveling the world and you'll see a big difference. It's not just in Sikeston.
I love the Sikeston Christmas Home Tours, truly I do. It's a great way to begin the holiday season here in town. But it disturbed me to see how little Christmas was displayed in the houses on the tour this year. It seems to be more of a showing off on the homeowner's part when they didn't have any Christmas decorations to decorate the homes with. So why be on the Christmas tour then? It has just come to the point of going out and buying a Christmas wrap here and a tree and a few ornaments there, which doesn't result in anything looking real Christmassey in the house. Don't put your home on the Christmas Home Tour if you do not have any decorations to decorate it with.
What a difference a year makes. Where was George on Thanksgiving this year? Not with the troops. Did anybody really believe his heroic flight last Thanksgiving wasn't a campaign rally? Another campaign flight at taxpayer expense - George was the best at that. Colin did official business. It may have been just enough to win the election. Moral values? Give me a break!