~All parents are urged to attend
SIKESTON - Getting through school at any age takes dedication, hard work and family support.
One way adults can show interest in their child's education is by learning more about what the student is doing in school.
That's the reason parents, grandparents and guardians are urged to attend a meeting Oct. 15 about the Missouri Assessment Program test.
Sikeston Public School's free informational meeting will be at 5 p.m. at the Senior High cafeteria for those who have children in kindergarten through grade 5 and at 6 p.m. for those whose students are in grades 6-12. Child care will be provided.
The presenter will be Roblyn Hatch from the Regional Professional Development Center at Southeast Missouri State University. She will answer parents' questions, explain the process, give the history of the MAP test and share released questions from a previous MAP test with those attending.
MAP isn't something that counts against a student's grade point average which is part of the problem, since some students don't take it seriously, officials said. But what they aren't realizing, said Dr. Larry Bohannon, is it plays a major role in Sikeston Public Schools accreditation.
"We have much of which to be proud and the students we educate are second to none," said the assistant superintendent of secondary education and professional development. "The state has selected this MAP test as the assessment tool each school is to use and show continuous improvement in all levels. We must give it our best."
The MAP test plays an integral part on each school's Annual Performance Report, he explained.
"The purpose of this meeting is to offer parents another opportunity to learn about what goes on at the school," Bohannon said. "It's difficult for students to explain something as complex as testing and its format, therefore, we want to bring that information to parents."
Bohannon reported many adults attended last year's first informational meeting, with both elementary and secondary sessions being full. He added that comments he heard were positive and the elementary session was standing room only.
"Adults should want to come to this to learn about what type of questions their child will be asked to do," said Bohannon. "It will also show them how testing has changed since they were students. The test assesses knowledge gained but has a component where students apply what they know to real-life experiences, situations and problems.
"I want the people who come to leave with the feeling that we are all a team working together to help students achieve their highest potential. Hopefully, the more parents learn about assessment and content/performance standards, the more they can help their child at home with applying what they learn. If their child is not performing on the proficiency level which is level four, they need to take advantage of the programs we are offering to help the student such as after-school tutoring."