April 12, 2002

CHARLESTON - County officials have changed their minds about attending this year's annual MoPERM meeting. County Clerk Junior DeLay said during Thursday's county commission meeting that he had recently received a package from MoPERM, the company which provides the county with liability insurance...

CHARLESTON - County officials have changed their minds about attending this year's annual MoPERM meeting.

County Clerk Junior DeLay said during Thursday's county commission meeting that he had recently received a package from MoPERM, the company which provides the county with liability insurance.

DeLay said although he had not originally intended to go to the annual meeting, "after looking at this stuff I probably need to go."

According to the correspondence from MoPERM, Mississippi County is among the counties which should be sure to have a representative attending the meeting scheduled for May 1-2.

DeLay said MoPERM advised if the county does send a representative, it will "lose an opportunity to reduce future insurance costs."

According to information in the package, there are some new requirements that could affect the county's liability.

Jim Blumenberg, presiding commissioner, recommended the county jail administrator, Don Chance, also attend as much of the material is specific to law enforcement.

The meeting has no cost for the county and MoPERM will provide two motel rooms.

In other business covered during the Mississippi County commission meeting:

* A letter from the Federal Emergency Management Agency regarding the county's floodplain management ordinance was reviewed by officials.

According to FEMA, the county's ordinance meets the minimum standards but advised administrative procedures be established to protect the county from liability and ensure their continued participation in the National Flood Insurance program.

FEMA attached their own procedures which, while not intended for use as a template, may have applicable sections the county may use.

* Commissioners will supply a letter of support for the Ferguson Medical Group which is seeking to establish the Sikeston Imaging Center to provide diagnostic imaging for area residents.

* The condition of county roads was discussed by commissioners to identify roads in need of patching.

* Blumenberg said there is a new flag at the Oak Grove Cemetery for Memorial Day.

* Commissioners reviewed a letter advising the county was awarded for a $8,300 local law enforcement block grant.

* Clete Stanfill from the Workforce Investment Board told commissioners they need to appoint a representative for the board to replace Sue Treadway.

* Tyrone Thompson, executive director for the Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission, updated commissioners on the BRPC's activities and informed them of some grants for distressed counties that they may be eligible for.

* Commissioners approved the purchase of a Lincoln portable welder.
