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Ted Turner says the reason the Trade Towers were demolished were because people live in abject poverty and don't have any hope for a better life. Ted, it must be sad to live in abject stupidity and not have any hope for a better brain.
I stand amazed to see that someone in the Sikeston community isn't speaking out against youth groups being taken to eat where beer is served. I salute that stand. Usually what we see is that you find in many church communities that only bars are wrong to go to, where alcohol is served, or wild teen-age parties. There are other places that are OK for some churches to go to such as ballgames, country concerts in the open air, or where bull roping or steer roping might take place. You'll find it. I salute that person, but you'll find that there is a double standard in many places in Christianity where alcoholic events are concerned. Good for you on your stand about that youth group.
In the Feb. 13 Standard Democrat there was an article on page 16 about a psychiatrist in Kansas City who said Elvis is alive and the king is on pain meds. Why not just get a DNA on the individual and compare it? Then they'll know whether he's alive or dead. But he's already been dead all these years so I guess they don't care.
Information, please
Can you find out and publish in the paper how our representatives in Washington voted on that campaign finance reform bill? I'm kind of upset about that deal. That is bull [beep]. If JoAnn voted for it (whom I have voted for every time), and the rest of them up there, and Carnahan and Bond, I'm going to have to find somebody else to vote for.
All the Democrats in the Missouri delegation voted in favor of the bill. All of the Republicans voted against the measure.
Why spend $300 million on the Olympics when Bush could have spent this money on the elderly and poor and help them stay alive? They can't afford their medicine and part of them don't even have food. Old snake-eyes is always spending the budget. The poor don't have a chance in the USA. I know he's going to spend a lot of money to build Afghanistan back. More and more farmers are going bankrupt; they don't even get decent prices to keep them afloat. The great big farmers get subsidies and the small farmers don't get anything. If it weren't for all the money the politicians get, they wouldn't be in the office or positions they're in. Why don't they get their salaries cut or cut out some of the jobs they have? Why cut the Social Security of the retired people? Some people are on a small income and can barely make it now. What are the people going to do if Social Security is jeopardized?
Social Security has not bee cut. Pay attention! And Bush has nothing to do with spending on the Olympics. Put down The National Enquirer and get in touch with reality!