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You industrial people really amaze me. You put a man up there named Driskell who is supposed to supply the state and represent industry. I hardly ever hear from the man. He was down here in the Bootheel a week or two ago. You've got this industry thing so out of balance it's never going to get right. What you need to do, Mr. Governor, is put satellite stations all over the main cities and let Driscoll be head of that in Jefferson City and have satellite stations and men work with him and local governments in each town. That's the way to go about getting industry in these towns. You can't just place one man in a big office in Jefferson City and expect him to bring the industry in. It ain't working, it never will and it never has. So make some changes up there on this industry thing. Get more satellites and get more people locally involved in this industry thing. How does that sound?
How low can you get? Not any lower than what this family did to me Saturday at my yard sale. A man, woman and two girls stole $35 worth of things from me. How can you be so dirty? I was lowering prices on two things they bought and they were stealing from me at the same time. I hope you read this. You know what you stole and I know who you are. You even had the kids in the act. What do you want them to grow up to be, thieves like you too? Shame on you. All I can say is I was good to you and I got stabbed in the back for being good. So I'm telling you one thing. Don't you ever set foot on my property again. If you do, I'll have you arrested. You are no good and I'm mad as hell.
Sikeston Police Department is having a hey day, issuing tickets to people on North Ingram for people exceeding the 35 mph speed limit. So drive carefully.
I agree with the Oct. 4 caller about prison inmates and generation to generation welfare recipients not being able to vote. As Mr. Jensen pointed out, he was not talking about people who need it. He was talking about people who lie and use the system to live off of other people. To the caller on Oct. 28 who thinks people who believe this should leave the country, I think he needs to go back and see what our forefathers fought and died for. One of those things is definitely the freedom to speak.
On Oct. 29 in Miami, all those Haitians coming to the United States looked like a bunch of mice coming to land. If we let them stay in our country, folk, we're being overrun and our government sold us out. All these criminals and all these drugs and stuff. You wonder why crime is high? You should have seen them come to shore. People of the rest of the world, stay in your own country. We're full.
There was an Associated Press article in the Oct. 30 Standard Democrat that said, "Power plant plans withdrawn." Peter Kinder, you're right in the middle of this power plant that Cape County was supposed to get. Now it's time for you to do your stuff, you and the mayors of Cape and Jackson and you people who run the city governments. Also bring the board, Kit Bond and some of those guys who've got some pull. There's no need for those guys' "repeated, unexplained delays." Peter, I believe if you nail those people down they could explain what the delays were. I expect you to get on board and get that power plant. Cape County needs it, Southeast Missouri needs it. Southeast Missouri also needs the biggest cement plant that is supposed to be built in Ste. Genevieve. You've got your work cut out for you. This the 21st century and we can't afford to dabble around when the Bootheel needs jobs like this. Beginning tonight, I'm going to be watching KFVS and in the newspapers for you.
Is the City of Sikeston short on its tax money? Have you driven on North Ingram recently, from Kennedy north, there are numerous holes in the road. I'm not talking about small potholes. I'm talking about large ones. I work with people who have received flat tires because of the holes. Where is our street department and why are they not maintaining our streets with the tax money that we pay in?