May 2, 2004

Whoever took the hats from the Eagles Club on April 24, please return them. They do not belong to the Eagles and we had promised to return them to their owners. What's up with the Standard Democrat sport section? The spring baseball and softball team previews show no schedules for boy's or girl's softball. ...

Whoever took the hats from the Eagles Club on April 24, please return them. They do not belong to the Eagles and we had promised to return them to their owners.

What's up with the Standard Democrat sport section? The spring baseball and softball team previews show no schedules for boy's or girl's softball. I really miss that. Lance Hanlin did a great job; I wish he was still here. Maybe the new sports editor can take note of the good job he did and provide better coverage, schedules, etc. of high school sports.

Hey, Mike, I just need to let you know that every Sunday there are a few people who climb the Standard Democrat's trash dumpster looking for a Sunday paper, I guess. This past Sunday, a woman actually fell off the side and landed on the ground. Well, she got up and did it again. Just what will happen if someone actually gets hurt, looking for a paper? They are being pretty stupid.

I am in need of a lift chair. If anyone has one they could donate, please call me at 481-1134.

Hypocrite George Bush says it is wrong for the press to show flag-draped coffins. This is the same George Bush who is using the flag-draped coffins in his re-election commercials to make himself look good. Must be another mission accomplished by Bush.

I recently got a credit card to a local store. I haven't bought much and I won't buy any more. Check your statement good when you get one. Every time I receive a statement, they have a $25 charge (late fee). I have never been late on making payments of any kind. Call the number on your credit card so the institution providing the service can get your account corrected.

I want to make two points here. Point one: John Kerry did win all those medals. No matter what kind of spin the Republicans want to put on it, John Kerry was a hero and saved people's lives. Point two: George W. Bush never found the weapons of mass destruction that he lied about.

To the old man who thinks he has to greet me with a "brotherly" kiss, no you don't. Go home!

Someone was asking if anyone remembered an actor from the Matthews area named Conlin Carter. You can see him on reruns of Bonanza. He also played in Combat and a lot of television shows. The last I heard about him, quite a few years ago, he had quit his acting career and was living in Florida and owns an aircraft business where he chartered businessmen around the United States.
