May 31, 2005

I'm a resident of the Ridgeview Subdivision, just west of Sikeston. I would like to complain about the Eagles Club at their park having target practice in my backyard. That is not neighborly and it is also dangerous. I would like you to know that the Scott County Sheriff's Department will not do anything about it because they say it is within their rights to do that. ...

I'm a resident of the Ridgeview Subdivision, just west of Sikeston. I would like to complain about the Eagles Club at their park having target practice in my backyard. That is not neighborly and it is also dangerous. I would like you to know that the Scott County Sheriff's Department will not do anything about it because they say it is within their rights to do that. But still, it is not neighborly. It has got most of us worried about letting our children play outside because we are afraid they will be shot.

I want to call about Charter Cable. I have been a customer of theirs for years but lately these last few months all we have been getting is nothing but reruns. I mean reruns, shows that are 30, 40 or 50 years old. I'm tired of it. If we can't get any new movies or better channels I will switch it to something else. I'm tired of paying all that money and all we get is reruns. There has not been a new show on TV, maybe once in three months we get a new show. If they want my business they ought to show a new show like they used to once a month or once a week. I'm tire of it.

I am outraged. I just seen on the noon news where this Yang character only got 20 years for killing his wife and then running and fleeing the country to avoid prosecution. It took you all these years to find him. All this manpower to find him all this money to get him back to the states. This is an outrage.

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I'm calling in today about in the newspaper about Mr. Yang just getting 15 years for killing his wife and five years for skipping the country. He killed someone. I think an eye for an eye. He should be killed also. I feel the death penalty is wrong. I think if you are sentenced to death don't wait 15 or 20 years to kill them. We are feeding those people, medical, doing everything for them that could be going to our Social Security or Medicaid to help our people. These people who did something wrong should be punished for it, not live a life of luxury.

I would like call about the eyesore in Morehouse on Poplar Street. There is this property that has been there now for over a year that is just sitting there. It is a house that burnt. The people had insurance on it and they just left town or done something. It has grass that is real high up and probably snakes and it is right across from where little kids could get in danger when they play. There is garbage and trash and stuff in it. The weeds are tall. It is just terrible. Not only that property needs to be cleaned up but Morehouse is so junky. What has happened to Morehouse?

I just saw the most amazing thing on Highway 60. A man was driving an old Honda three-wheel ATV, you know the old ones that they quit making because they were too dangerous. He was driving it down Highway 60, no license plate, no helmet and talking on a cell phone. Oh man, is this dangerous.
