July 10, 2002

MINER - Miner residents may want to check their lawns. The Board of Aldermen passed an ordinance amending the city's safe housing regulations during their regular session Tuesday. New requirements include a safety inspection before buildings can be occupied, two fully functioning doors, and at least one working smoke detector for each building...

MINER - Miner residents may want to check their lawns.

The Board of Aldermen passed an ordinance amending the city's safe housing regulations during their regular session Tuesday.

New requirements include a safety inspection before buildings can be occupied, two fully functioning doors, and at least one working smoke detector for each building.

Residences and businesses will not be approved for occupancy now unless all basic services are in use.

All grass within the city limits that reaches 10 inches or more must be mowed now as well. Following a warning, the resident will have 10 days to comply before facing a $100-fine for the first day and $10 for each additional day until the mowing is completed.

In other city of Miner business:

* A landowner who granted the city easements for water and sewer with the understanding that water and sewer lines would be installed in the easements asked city officials to extend the sewer lines.

John Chittenden of Waters Engineering explained for city officials that the sewer and water lines had been run based on two rules: existing businesses and residences would have lines run directly to the building and undeveloped properties would have lines run to the tract with future extensions paid for by the developer. He advised exceptions to the rules were the board's decision, not his.

Chittenden said the cost of extending the sewer line 135 feet would be around $5,000 and the cost to extend the line 535 feet would be approximately $17,000.

He added the extension may be a good use for contingency funds left over at the project's conclusion.

* The board tabled discussion and action on the city's Chamber of Commerce dues.

* The board approved the annual testing and state qualification of the city's fire trucks.

"We pressure test them, make sure everything is up to par," said Randy Baker, fire division chief.

* An extension to the agreement with the Riverside Library District whereby Miner residents use the Sikeston Library was tabled until the paperwork is prepared.

* A water/sewer/property tax raise appearing on the agenda was tabled pending more information.

* A resident advised the board of a street light that has been burning constantly for several weeks.

The board then closed the regular meeting for an executive session dealing with a personnel matter.
