July 10, 2002

BENTON - Scott County will submit five projects to the State Emergency Management Agency for disaster assistance from SEMA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Scott County Economic Developer Jim Schwaninger reviewed proposals and compiled preliminary estimates on the five projects with county commissioners during Tuesday's county commission meeting. The public assistance application is due July 19...

BENTON - Scott County will submit five projects to the State Emergency Management Agency for disaster assistance from SEMA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Scott County Economic Developer Jim Schwaninger reviewed proposals and compiled preliminary estimates on the five projects with county commissioners during Tuesday's county commission meeting. The public assistance application is due July 19.

The assistance formula for projects sets contributions at 75 percent from FEMA, 10 percent from SEMA, and the remaining 15 percent from local match.

The first project would construct a four-foot high levee along the north side of County Highway 472 to divert water east into the St. John's Ditch. Preliminary estimates predict two weeks of work on the project and a cost of $20,000.

The second project would dredge out the St. John's Ditch from County Highway 472 near Mini Farms 4.5 miles south to the New Madrid County line. Preliminary estimates predict six weeks to two years of work with the cost running between $200,000 and $1 million.

The third project would repair the breach or breaches in a levee near County Highway 472 and State Highway HH.

The fourth project would include any and all properties in which a buyout option takes place. Martin Priggel, presiding commissioner, said only those that actually had water in their homes would be eligible. County officials presently know of only one or two homes that fit this criteria.

The last project to be included on the application will seek reimbursement for the additional cost of boarding county prisoners out of county an extra 15 days because of the flooding.

"It's a direct expense," said Jamie Burger, commissioner. Officials estimated the additional expense at $31,500 with a possible additional $4,500 in transportation costs.

In other Scott County business:

* Commissioners awarded the contract to lay approximately three miles of hot-mix asphalt overlay on county roads to the low-bidder, Apex Paving Company of Sikeston.

Apex bid $33 per ton as compared with the bid for $35.90 per ton from ASA of Advance and $39.50 per ton from Paving Pros of Oak Ridge.

David Jordan, sales representative for Apex, said a minimum overlay thickness of 1.5 inches will probably be OK for most of the county road sections but some sections may require a two-inch overlay.

* Treasurer Glenda Enderle presented her six-month settlement to commissioners. "I'm required by statute to do a semi-annual settlement," said Enderle.
