SIKESTON - Mary Ellen Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Bailey, was elected president of the district Young People Conference of the Christian Church held last week at Arcadia.
SIKESTON - Miss Mandy Sue Goetz, daughter of Mrs. Freddie Goetz, has been awarded a letter in journalism on the Babbler staff at David Lipscomb College in Nashville, Tenn.
SIKESTON - Ramps invariably "pop up" at the Bicycle Moto-Cross track sites and as long as the youth is clothed properly and the ramps built safely, there's "no problem," according to Rich Lewis, 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis. BMX racing will begin soon in Sikeston as a state race is slated for the as-yet unbuilt Sikeston BMX track at the Recreation Complex.
NEW MADRID - Financial problems plague the four school districts in New Madrid County as they prepare their budgets for the 1992-93 school year. At least two schools will operate with deficit spending; all maintain their budgets are trimmed to the bone. A public hearing on the upcoming year's budget is scheduled for July 14 for patrons of the New Madrid County R-1 School District.
EAST PRAIRIE - Elementary teachers from surrounding school districts returned to the classroom recently - not as teachers but as students learning mathematic skills that will be passed on to their students in the coming school year. The five-day workshop provided those in attendance with graduate credits. The teachers attended 30 hours of classroom instruction and did several hours of homework each evening.