July 10, 2002

SIKESTON - Mary Ellen Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Bailey, was elected president of the district Young People Conference of the Christian Church held last week at Arcadia. SIKESTON - Miss Mandy Sue Goetz, daughter of Mrs. Freddie Goetz, has been awarded a letter in journalism on the Babbler staff at David Lipscomb College in Nashville, Tenn...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Mary Ellen Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Bailey, was elected president of the district Young People Conference of the Christian Church held last week at Arcadia.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Miss Mandy Sue Goetz, daughter of Mrs. Freddie Goetz, has been awarded a letter in journalism on the Babbler staff at David Lipscomb College in Nashville, Tenn.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Ramps invariably "pop up" at the Bicycle Moto-Cross track sites and as long as the youth is clothed properly and the ramps built safely, there's "no problem," according to Rich Lewis, 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lewis. BMX racing will begin soon in Sikeston as a state race is slated for the as-yet unbuilt Sikeston BMX track at the Recreation Complex.

10 years ago

NEW MADRID - Financial problems plague the four school districts in New Madrid County as they prepare their budgets for the 1992-93 school year. At least two schools will operate with deficit spending; all maintain their budgets are trimmed to the bone. A public hearing on the upcoming year's budget is scheduled for July 14 for patrons of the New Madrid County R-1 School District.


EAST PRAIRIE - Elementary teachers from surrounding school districts returned to the classroom recently - not as teachers but as students learning mathematic skills that will be passed on to their students in the coming school year. The five-day workshop provided those in attendance with graduate credits. The teachers attended 30 hours of classroom instruction and did several hours of homework each evening.
