January 31, 2005

SIKESTON - Sikeston General Hospital: Mrs. Louis McCoy, Sikeston Route 3, entered the 21st and a girl was born to her on the same day. ORAN - Sgt. Robert L. Carr, 19, has been reported missing in action by the War Department in a message to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Carr of Oran...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Sikeston General Hospital: Mrs. Louis McCoy, Sikeston Route 3, entered the 21st and a girl was born to her on the same day.

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ORAN - Sgt. Robert L. Carr, 19, has been reported missing in action by the War Department in a message to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.O. Carr of Oran.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The Sikeston Junior Women's Club met for its monthly meeting Jan. 25 at the Sikeston Public Library with President Sarah Sadler presiding. Mrs. Bill Sapp, guest speaker for the evening, had an interesting talk and demonstration on "How to Lose the Holiday Bulge." She said the easy way to lose weight is by using isometric exercises.

20 years ago

NEW MADRID - A team of students from New Madrid County R-1 School District will participate in the fifth annual TEAMS (tests of engineering, aptitude, mathematics and science) competition at the University of Missouri-Columbia Feb. 19. The competition is sponsored by JETS.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - The Junior High Student of the Month is Clifford Dungan, son of Cliff and Christine Dungan. His activities include: Science Club, Beta Club, French, Choir and Jazz Choir.

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SIKESTON - Pack 140 Webelos Den 2, hoist and lower the flag each day at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School as part of their den project. This daily ritual is preformed by Ben F. Marshall, Ben McMullin and John Fuchs, under the leadership of Frank Marshall.
