SIKESTON - The branch rationing office ran out of applications and certificates for the purchase of sugar for canning Saturday. Director Bartley Schweiger said 139 residents had applied. The branch office is located at City Hall.
SIKESTON - Mrs. Janette Latham, owner of the Accent Shop, was among the buyers and merchants attending the American Fashion Association Fall Market her May 27-June 1. More than 5,000 buyers attended the event at the Adolphus and Baker Hotels.
SIKESTON - Vic Russell, Gladsia Russell and Harry Jennings have been appointed correspondents and news dealers for the Daily Standard.
SIKESTON - Severe summer storms left many trees damaged and some minor property damage Sunday and Monday. A home in the Mini-Farm area was destroyed when struck by lightning. The storm also caused flooding and power outages.
SIKESTON - Despite the relatively light agenda planned for Monday's Sikeston City Council meeting, those in attendance waited over two hours for its completion. Immediately following the meeting's opening, Council Marion Thompson suggested the council adjourn into executive session, commenting that the high volume of telephone calls he received Monday from concerned citizens merited the session.
SPRINGFIELD - Almost a month sooner than promised, Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI) has chosen its route to compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The final verdict: good news for Southeast Missouri and Noranda Aluminum. Not so good for the Thomas Hill Energy Center Mining Division near Macon, Mo.