June 11, 2004

As a strong supporter of American sovereignty, I am not in favor of any unlimited access to U.S. markets, policymaking or government functions by foreign entities. I am fully in favor of protecting our borders from illegal immigration. The purpose of trade agreements is to strengthen the economies of both trading parties...

As a strong supporter of American sovereignty, I am not in favor of any unlimited access to U.S. markets, policymaking or government functions by foreign entities. I am fully in favor of protecting our borders from illegal immigration. The purpose of trade agreements is to strengthen the economies of both trading parties.

In a world economy, selling our agricultural products, goods and services is extremely important to the health of our Southern Missouri agriculture and manufacturing industries. If it is imperative, for example, that we sell Stoddard County rice to markets overseas, we must also open our own borders to some foreign products.

Ultimately I want to do the best thing for Southeast Missouri. We are fortunate to live in the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. I consider it a privilege to serve my country, and I will continue to act in its best interests.

JoAnn Emerson

Member of Congress
