How to figure out our Congress lady JoAnn Emerson? Why is she in favor of allowing and encouraging unlimited immigration and the erasing of our national boundaries, which is all part of those misnamed "free-trade" agreements? Doesn't she now that under those deceptive trade agreements that unelected foreign agencies would be allowed to be in charge of American policies?
Why would anyone in Congress support such an agenda that would be the end of American sovereignty, and why would U.S. Sen. Kit Bond and Jim Talent also support such a dangerous and outright deadly agenda at this?
Can these three members of Congress be so unaware of the big truth, that the "free-trade" agenda sales pitch allows those unaccountable foreign agencies (and they meet in secret) to supervise and control American affairs such as agriculture, immigration, education, criminal justice, labor laws and tax policy and much more?
But then, does this explain why Emerson, Bond and Talent (and many Democrats) are having a credibility problem back home, where the voters are starting to ask why America's sovereignty is being undermined? If these politicians keep pushing for the end of American sovereignty, then do they really qualify for public office of any kind?
R.L. Davis