SpeakOut 10/31

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Call 471-6636

Mr. Jensen, your Oct. 20 article couldn't be farther from the truth. You make me sick. You don't know what's right or what's wrong. You criticize people for voting for what they think is right, just like you do. How do you know who to vote for? They all tell lies while trying to get your vote. Then when they get into office they don't do anything. Mrs. Emerson's late husband was going to do wonders for the flood area here in New Madrid and Mississippi county areas. She also said the same thing. He didn't do anything and she hasn't either. It's many years they've put it off (19 or 20 years). How many years is it going to take to do it. Let's get her out of office. We don't need people like her. Mr. Jensen, if you're so smart and we're so ignorant, how come you're not running for some kind of office? You would fit right in with the rest of them.

The Webster County Citizen said Jim Talent will best represent Missouri in the Oct. 21 Standard Democrat. It is one of the best editorials I have ever read. It also said that Jim Talent showed up for the annual Missouri Press Association convention and Jean Carnahan didn't show up. What's wrong with you Democrats? You should have shown up. You're losing ground as it is. That put the icing on the cake for me. I wasn't going to vote for Jim Talent, but that article about him working for the St. John's Ditch project convinced me that he is the man to vote for on Nov. 5.

You voters who vote for Talent will be sorry. I can barely make it now. I'm 62 years old and solely on Social Security. I have no health insurance because I can't afford it. If I go to the doctor this month, I have to wait until next month to get my medicine or see if they will give me credit. Talent will try to do away with Social Security. He will do everything Bush wants. Bush would love to do away with Social Security. Voters, you better think twice.

We truly have a crazed killer in America, and if he is not a terrorist but is an American, he is showing the terrorists how to completely terrorize this country. Just look at what one person has done and multiply that by a hundred. This country is at war like no other war we have ever had. This war is and will be waged right here on our own soil. This war from this day forward will be waged on Americans of all ages, of all races, in every community. I beg of you to support this war on terror, including removing Saddam from power. We simply have to act now to ensure that our children and grandchildren can be free as we have been. This killer may be American, but he is still a terrorist and terror is terror no matter who brings it to us. One shot can kill one, but it can also kill thousands.

Did you judge the debate between Talent and Carnahan Monday night on the radio? I nearly got whiplash trying to keep up with Carnahan and did a whole lot better with Talent.

Did you notice that Jean Carnahan avoided the topic of abortion during Monday night's debate with Jim Talent? We know her husband was for late-term abortion, the murdering of babies when being born and selling their little body parts for profit. She previously stated his aims and goals were her goals. No wonder she didn't want to pursue the subject.

I called in a comment about a week ago and it was in the Oct. 21 paper, but it wasn't the way I called it in. If you're going to revise what we say, you need to try to keep it more like what was said. If you can't understand it, maybe you should get a new tape. I said we want to invite children out here on Karen Street to go trick-or-treating for Halloween night. I did not say there are places for them to live. It sounded like we wanted to take them hostage out here. Kids will be going to the Outlet Mall and Karen Street, which near the John Deere place (not plant), has very little traffic.

Sorry, caller. But we do have a new answering machine and new transcribing machine. Our transcriber rewound your comment several times to try to get the words correct. The way the call was worded at first said there are no children in your area and it would be a good place to live. It was later in the comment that was Halloween indicated. This kind of confusion between caller and keyboard doesn't happen very often and we're glad it doesn't. To curb confusion on SpeakOut calls, we ask callers to write their message before calling, and then read your comment into the answering machine.