SIKESTON - Nominations are now being accepted by the Parks and Recreation Division for the 2002 Honors Board installation.
Since 1986, 25 individuals have been honored by having their names installed on the Honors Board in recognition of their outstanding volunteer contributions to youth programs in the community. These programs include baseball, softball, basketball, soccer and Boy Scouts. The Honors Board is located near the Ingram Road entrance to the Recreation Complex.
Anyone who would like to nominate an individual can pick up a nomination form from Jiggs Moore at City Hall, 105 E. Center St. The deadline to submit a nomination is 5 p.m. March 1.
This year's nominees will be considered for the Honors Board at the March 11 meeting of the Sikeston Park Board. At this time, the board may choose up to two people for Honors Board recognition. The installation ceremony will be held in May on a date to be announced.
For more information, call Moore at 471-6070.