
Generosity needed for local campaign

Monday, November 5, 2001

For 22 years, volunteers in Sikeston have joined hands during the Christmas holiday season to organize the annual Community Christmas Campaign. The yearly holiday food and toy drive has been among the most successful charity campaigns in the state of Missouri. But this year, Sept. 11 changed a number of issues in our society.

We recognize that many Sikeston area residents have embraced the spirit of giving for those lost in the Sept. 11 tragedy. And we believe that national cause will impact this year's Christmas Campaign. As a result, we will undoubtedly face a loss of revenue to assist Sikeston residents this holiday season. Though it will put a squeeze on the local campaign, we also fully understand that this year the need may be greater in other areas of our nation.

Regardless of the national events, this year's campaign will be conducted just as it has in the past with volunteers gathering food, toys and clothing for the needy of Sikeston. But realistically, we also understand that our charitable spirit is perhaps focused elsewhere right now and we believe that will impact the local giving. That just makes our challenge greater. We hope our community is up to that challenge.

A community canned food drive begins this week and the thousands of canned food items collected will form the foundation for the 2001 campaign. Where we expect the impact to hit centers on the financial donations that allow for toy purchases and other forms of assistance that are required each year. So we're planning accordingly.

In the past the generosity of Sikeston residents has allow campaign organizers to spread the holiday cheer extensively to those in need. This year our focus will be on the most needy, especially those families with small children who will not experience a Christmas without your financial assistance. And it may well involve fewer families this year because of the impact of these truly national tragedies.

Campaign organizers have already begun collecting names of families in need. With the help of the school system, the Public Safety Department, the Post Office and other service organizations, we hope to select a representative list of families who are in dire need of assistance. But that's the easy task. The difficult job is to raise the funds essential to the success of the program.

In the coming weeks, the Standard Democrat will publicize the actual case histories of Sikeston families who are asking for help this year. These true case histories will help to explain why some families are in need of your help this holiday season. Each case is screened for accuracy. That remains our pledge each year.

We realize that the national events are tragic and in need of our assistance. But on a smaller scale, Sikeston families too need your thoughts, prayers and assistance this year. Please consider joining the 2001 campaign with a donation today.

Mail your check to the Community Christmas Campaign, P.O. Box 62, Sikeston. While our thoughts may be on the national scene, we must remember those families in need closer to home. As always, it begins with you.

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