It seems a little hypocritical the way baseball deals with gambling on the sport and with steroid use. Are the athletes of today so squeaky clean that they can throw stones at Pete Rose? I don't condone what Pete Rose did, but are Barry Bonds and the rest of the players today not hurting themselves, their team and baseball? Think about it. There are a lot of issues to be thinking about.
If anyone would like to buy a used flute in good condition for a good price, please leave your number in SpeakOut.
I was at a store and observed an employee using a sales tax exemption form. She asked the clerk (it was a very large purchase) if she could use her company's sales tax card so she wouldn't have to pay sales tax. They told her yes. This was obviously a personal purchase. Who do I need to call to report this?
Call the Missouri Revenue Department Field Audit office in Cape Girardeau at (573) 290-5840. They will be able to direct you to the right department.
I totally agree with the Jan. 16 SpeakOut that it is horrible to go out in public and get threatened and chased for being nice and asking a question. I agree they should make sure that this will not be tolerated.
To the factory employee who complained that they did not get a Christmas bonus but the officer workers did, I do not work where you work, but I am an office employee. You have a lot of physical hard work to do, but we have a lot of mental work to do. Whenever you don't turn in your paperwork to us you think you can just change it and it will be OK. No. It doesn't work that way. When you go home at the end of your shift, someone else comes in and finishes what you didn't get done. But our work keeps getting piled up and piled up and piled up. Then when they let somebody go and don't replace them, that person's work gets piled up on us. So don't complain.