October 10, 2001

BENTON - Representatives from the House of Refuge for Abused and Battered Women asked commissioners to declare the House of Refuge the sole recipient of 2002 shelter funds collected and distributed by the county. "We're the only shelter now that qualifies for it," said Julie Dolan, secretary-legal counsel for the House of Refuge, during Tuesday's county commission meeting. Also present from the House of Refuge were Phyllis Minner, chairperson, and Lisa Barnes, crisis intervention specialist...

BENTON - Representatives from the House of Refuge for Abused and Battered Women asked commissioners to declare the House of Refuge the sole recipient of 2002 shelter funds collected and distributed by the county.

"We're the only shelter now that qualifies for it," said Julie Dolan, secretary-legal counsel for the House of Refuge, during Tuesday's county commission meeting. Also present from the House of Refuge were Phyllis Minner, chairperson, and Lisa Barnes, crisis intervention specialist.

The House of Refuge provides emergency shelter services and related services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Scott and New Madrid counties. Martin Priggel, presiding commissioners, noted that most of House of Refuge's funding comes from donations after reviewing their budget.

In previous years the shelter funds, collected from marriage licenses and some civil court cases as mandated by state legislation, have been split between the House of Refuge and the Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation, according to county officials.

In the 2001 budget, $3,500 was earmarked for the House of Refuge and $2,500 budgeted for DAEOC.

Rita Milam, county clerk, said when the fees were recently reduced, she was "really concerned it wouldn't bring in as much money as it did in the past." It was estimated the fund would only collect $5,350 this year, of which $3,700 has been collected so far.

Commissioners said they will contact DAEOC and consult with the prosecuting attorney before making their decision.

Dolan said the commission is required by state statutes to notify them of their decision in writing by Nov. 15.

In other Scott County news:

* Commissioners appointed Randall Friend of rural Kelso to a four-year term on the Riverside Regional Library Board. Friend replaces Theon Schlosser who requested he not be reappointed when his term expired.

"We made him a certificate thanking him for his time spent," said Jamie Burger, commissioner, regarding Schlosser.

* Work to resolve Rockview's drainage problem is nearly complete, according to Burger. "The county is doing their part of the project cleaning out a ditch that borders the east part of Rockview on the north side."
