MINER - Meeting Tuesday night for its regular monthly
session, the Board of Aldermen approved two items
relating to property.
The first item involved correcting an error on the
city map which listed the Schlitt property as C-1
(commercial) when it should actually read I-1
(industrial). The second item was a request from
Joseph and Kirby Allen to have the city annex their
property, located on the east side of Route H.
A public hearing prior to the regular meeting resulted
in no citizen input on the two matters.
Water tap fees will increase by at least $25 for 3/4
pipes following action taken by the aldermen. The fee
is paid when residents hook up to the city's water
"The city is losing a lot of money on water tap fees
and we feel these fees need to be increased," Mayor
Frank Tatum said prior to the vote.
The city will continue to offer to foot the bill for
flu and hepatitis vaccinations for city workers,
despite cost increases in hepatitis shots.
"I think the city in the past has paid to have the
shots for the city personnel," Tatum said.
The flu shots will remain at the cost of $5 but due to
a limited supply, the health department is encouraging
only high-risk residents get them first. However the
hepatitis shots have increased from $5 to $23.
In other city business:
* A bid was awarded to David Bird to set up a web site
for the city; he was the only bidder.
* Approval was given to amend the bylaws to the
tourism commission in order to allow the
city-designated member to appoint a "pinch hitter"
when that member is unable to attend meetings.
* Reflecting a move by the state lawmakers, the board
of aldermen lowered the blood alcohol content (BAC)
limit to 0.8.
* The board agreed to check into a citizen complaint
about a water bill for $204.68.
Following regular business, the aldermen adjourned
into executive session to discuss personnel and