Power Points contest to begin

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

SIKESTON -- The Standard Democrat, along with several dozen other newspapers around the region, will participate in the 2001 POWER POINTS of the Midlands Football Contest, which features a $1,000 cash bonanza to the weekly grand prize winner.

Enter the contest by clipping the weekly form from the paper, making your selections, then dropping off your entry at the Standard Democrat prior to the weekly deadline.

The first entry form will appear the week of Sept. 2 on Tuesday and every Tuesday thereafter. First games are the following weekend. The deadline for contestant entry will be 2 p.m. Fridays except Thanksgiving week. Results will be published each Thursday. No purchase is required.

Facsimile entry forms will be accepted. You must be at least 8-years-old to play, so even children may enjoy the contest. Contestants may enter only once each week. This rule is strictly enforced.

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