August 5, 2004

I live in an apartment on Kathleen Street and have subscribed to the Daily Standard. So far, I haven't gotten all my papers. I wish whoever is getting them from my porch would keep your hands off of them. You didn't pay for them so you don't deserve to look at it or read it. If I catch you doing this, I will have you prosecuted...

I live in an apartment on Kathleen Street and have subscribed to the Daily Standard. So far, I haven't gotten all my papers. I wish whoever is getting them from my porch would keep your hands off of them. You didn't pay for them so you don't deserve to look at it or read it. If I catch you doing this, I will have you prosecuted.

Sikeston has its rental property problems for sure, but have you noticed the rent-to-own companies, the buy here-pay here car lots, the number of payday loan companies? We have the element that supports all of these businesses. If we eliminated these, the element would have to go somewhere else to do business. Down with all these businesses and also Section 8. Let's turn Sikeston around. Get rid of these problems.

There is a woman going around, telling everyone she possibly can, that her 4-year-old daughter was molested by her brother. The brother has proven that he is not guilty. I hope everyone she is telling this to will wonder why a mother would want to tell that her daughter had been molested. I'm sure if her daughter had her say, she wouldn't want everyone to know such a personal matter. If the mother really thought he was a threat, why would she move from a town 15 miles away just to live a few blocks away from where the brother lives? I hope everyone will take this into consideration before passing judgment on the brother.

I would like to SpeakOut about the Redneck Barbecue we have every year. The last few years, it has been kind of disastrous and embarrassing. I had some relatives come down her to attend it. I know it says it's open to the public, but it seems like when the public wants to go up there and taste the barbecue, nobody is allowed to. There are only one or two who give out samples. A few years ago, you could buy $1 tickets and present them to the person preparing the barbecue and receive a sample plate. We would have no problem paying for it, but it doesn't seem like we should be made like we're not part of the public. It says it's open to the public, but then the public isn't allowed to have anything to do with eating the barbecue. It kind of defeats the purpose of having a Redneck Barbecue. Why have a barbecue if you're not allowed to eat it? The people who do the barbecuing seem to have an attitude when you approach them and ask about sampling their barbecue? It was very embarrassing to my family, who traveled here from St. Louis, to be treated like this. I hope you put this in SpeakOut. I'd hate to see this happen all over again. We used to really enjoy it and would like to get back to doing it again.

To the person who took a purse from a shopping cart at Wal-Mart on July 27, would you please keep the money and return everything else to Wal-Mart? I have important papers in there and I do need them.

To the person who responded to "Go to church to learn," yes, just be glad they are in church. Sin is sin and that's what's wrong with the church world today. They just turn their heads and do not have a standard. We need to dress properly when we go to church. I agree with the other person. Read your Bible. The house of God is to be holy and kept holy.


I read the article about how people dress for church. I believe people should dress decently. The Bible says to "Come out from among them and be ye a separate people." That's true, but God gives people enough sense to know how to dress. People should dress modestly for church.

I am trying to help a little boy. He is 6 years old and is in need of clothing. He doesn't have anything to wear when school starts. This will be his first year in school. He is very small and needs pants, shirts, shorts. is mother is very poor and cannot buy clothes for him. She also has a 15-year-old daughter (very small) who needs clothes. If anybody can help, please call me at 667-9036.
